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Help for the Family

This series of articles provides practical, Bible-based advice for families. a To view an expanded list of articles for families, see the section Marriage and Family.

a In this series, the names of some persons quoted have been changed.


A Better View of Your Spouse’s Annoying Traits

Rather than let an annoying trait create conflict, learn to see it in a different way.

How to Develop Patience

When two imperfect people marry, various problems will arise. Patience is fundamental to a successful marriage.

For a Happy Marriage: Show Respect

The Bible can help you to develop mutual respect in your marriage, even if it has been lacking.

How to Show Respect

Respect in marriage is not a luxury—it is a necessity. How can you show that you respect your mate?

For a Happy Marriage: Show Affection

Work, stress, and the everyday pressures of life can cause a married couple to show less affection. Can genuine affection be rekindled?

How to Leave Work “at Work”

Five tips that can help you keep your job from intruding on your marriage.

When Viewpoints Differ

How can couples resolve a conflict and remain at peace with each other?

How to Let Go of Resentment

To forgive a hurtful act by your spouse, must you minimize it or even pretend that it never occurred?

When a Friendship Gets Too Close

Do you tell yourself, ‘We’re just friends?’ If so, examine Bible principles to see how this line of reasoning holds up.

How to Avoid “Gray Divorce”

What is behind “gray divorce”? How can you keep it from affecting your marriage?

How to Avoid Jealousy in Marriage

A marriage cannot thrive in an atmosphere of suspicion and distrust. So how can you avoid inordinate jealousy?

Pornography Can Shatter Your Marriage

These suggestions can help you quit a pornography habit and repair your relationship.

Should We Live Together Before Marriage?

Some couples think that living together will prepare them for marriage. Is that a good idea, or is there a better option?


Spend Quality Time Together

Communication can suffer even when husbands and wives are in the same room. How can couples make the most of their time together?

How to Keep Technology in Its Place

The use of technology can either benefit your marriage or undermine it. How is it affecting your marriage?

How to Discuss Problems

Men and women have different communication styles. Understanding the difference can save you a lot of frustration.

How to Stop Arguing

Are you and your spouse constantly arguing? Learn how Bible principles can help your marriage.

How to Forgive

Why can it be so hard to forgive? See how the Bible’s advice can help.

Raising Children

How to Be a Good Dad

The kind of husband you are now indicates the kind of dad you will be after your child is born.

What Parents Should Know About Day Care

Ask yourself four questions to determine whether day care is a good option for your child.

Teaching Children Smartphone Sense

Even tech-savvy children need parental guidance to use a smartphone responsibly.

Protect Your Child From Pornography

It may be easier than you think for children to be exposed to pornography. What you should know and what you can do to protect your child.

Why Reading Is Important for Children​—Part 1: Read or Watch?

Many children prefer to watch videos. How can parents encourage children to read more?

Why Reading Is Important for Children​—Part 2: Screen or Print?

Is it better for children to read from a digital device or a printed page? Both have advantages.

Help Your Children Deal With Disturbing News Reports

What can parents do to keep their children from becoming overwhelmed by the news?

What if My Child Is Bored?

When your child is stuck at home with nothing to do, here are a few things to consider.

The Benefits of Creative Play

It has several advantages over passive entertainment and organized activities.

How to Help Children Deal With Failure

Failure is a part of life. Teach your children to put failure in perspective and help them find solutions.

What if My Child Is Being Bullied?

Four steps can help you teach your child how to respond to a bully.

How Divorce Affects Children

Although some people think that divorce will always be better for the children, research shows that its effects on children can be devastating.

Teaching Your Child About Sex

Youngsters are being exposed to sexual messages at an increasingly early age. What should you know? What can you do to protect your children?

Talking to Children About Alcohol

When and how should parents talk to their children about this important subject?

Talking to Children About Racism

Age-appropriate discussions can protect your child from the influence of racial prejudice.

Teach Your Children to Show Gratitude

Even young children can be taught to say thank you for the kindnesses shown to them.

Raising Teenagers

When Your Teenage Daughter Is Stressed Out

Many teenage girls feel overwhelmed by the changes they are experiencing. How can parents help them to cope with the stress?

When a Child Wants to End It All

What can parents do if their child has suicidal thoughts?

When Your Teenager Breaks Your Trust

Do not hastily conclude that your teen is a rebel. Broken trust can be repaired.

How to Provide Parental Guidance

Why is it so easy for children to bond with their peers and lose their connection with their parents?

Should My Child Use Social Media?

Four questions can help you make a wise decision.

Teaching Your Teenager Social Media Safety

Help your teenager to avoid the pitfalls.

How to Talk to Your Teen About Sexting

Don’t wait for an incident to occur involving your child. Discuss the dangers of sexting with your teenager.

When Your Teenager Self-Injures

Some teenagers intentionally injure themselves. What is behind this behavior? How can you help your child?