The Bible Changes Lives

In these first-person accounts, see how God’s Word has changed the lives of people around the world for the better.

Meaningful Life

Juan Pablo Zermeño: Jehovah Gave Me a Meaningful Life

Traumatic experiences can have a profound and long-lasting impact on us. Despite his difficult childhood, learn how Juan Pablo found true meaning, peace, and joy in his life.

Can Love Conquer Hatred?

Overcoming prejudice can be difficult. See how a Jew and a Palestinian were able to do so successfully.

I Did Not Want to Die!

Yvonne Quarrie once asked, “Why am I here?” The answer changed her life.

Jehovah Has Done So Much for Me

What Bible truth helped Crystal, a victim of sexual abuse as a child, to build a relationship with God and to find real meaning in life?

I Learned That God Cares for the Deaf

For Jeson, being deaf was no obstacle to developing a personal relationship with God.

I Now Feel That I Can Help Others

Julio Corio suffered a tragic accident and felt that God did not care. The scripture at Exodus 3:7 helped change his view.

My Life Was All About Me

Christof Bauer poured himself into reading the Bible during a transatlantic voyage in a small sailboat. What did he learn?

I Wanted to Fight Injustice

Rafika joined a revolutionary group to fight social injustice. But she found the Bible’s promise of peace and justice under God’s Kingdom.

“I No Longer Feel That I Have to Change the World”

How did studying the Bible help a social activist learn the source of true change for mankind?

I Put Down My Rifle

See how the Bible’s comforting message helped Cindy to change her aggressive personality.

For Me, God Did Not Exist

How did one individual whose youth was shaped by the ideologies of atheism and Communism come to appreciate the Bible?

The Bible Changes Lives—From Polygamist to a Better Husband

What moved a former polygamist to change his view of marriage?

Changed Beliefs

Katri Finally Found Her Spiritual Home

How does Jehovah draw honesthearted ones who are searching for the truth?

“I Had More Questions Than Answers”

What convinced Mario, a former church pastor, that Jehovah’s Witnesses teach the truth about the Bible?

They Used the Bible to Answer Every Question!

Isolina Lamela was a Catholic nun, then a Communist activist, but became disillusioned in both pursuits. Later, she met Jehovah’s Witnesses, who helped her from the Bible to find a clear purpose in life.

They Found the “Pearl of High Value”

Mary and Björn found Kingdom truth in different ways. How did it change their lives?

I Gave Up on Religion

Tom wanted to believe in God but became disillusioned with religion and its empty rituals. How did his study of the Bible help him to find hope?

“They Wanted Me to Prove the Truth to Myself”

Luis Alifonso wanted to become a Mormon missionary. How did studying the Bible change his goals and his life?

Drugs and Alcohol

“I Am No Longer a Slave of Violence”

On the first day at his new job, Michael Kuenzle was asked, “Do you think that God is responsible for the suffering in the world?” This marked a turning point in his life.

I Got Fed Up With My Lifestyle

Dmitry Korshunov was an alcoholic, but he began to read the Bible every day. What motivated him to make drastic changes in his life?

Crime and Violence

My Life Was Going From Bad to Worse

Stephen McDowell was a violent young man, but a murder that he did not commit made him resolve to change his life.

I Learned That Jehovah Is Merciful and Forgiving

For Normand Pelletier, defrauding people was like a drug. But he was brought to tears by reading one verse from the Bible.

I Never Went Anywhere Without My Gun

Annunziato Lugarà was in a violent gang, but a visit to a Kingdom Hall changed his life.

Sports, Music, and Entertainment

Jason Worilds: There Are Nothing But Wins When You Serve Jehovah

Centering our lives around Jehovah will always bring lasting happiness.

I Failed Many Times Before I Succeeded

How did one man overcome his addiction to pornography and gain peace of mind?

Strength Comes From Serving Jehovah

One Bible verse assured Hércules that he could replace his aggressive personality with a new one that is calmer and more loving.

I Loved Baseball More Than Anything!

Samuel Hamilton was consumed by his love of sport, but a Bible study changed his life.