They Stopped to Help

They Stopped to Help

 Bob was driving at about 100 kilometers per hour (60 mph) on a cold, blustery day in Alberta, Canada, when the left rear tire on his van suddenly burst. Initially Bob didn’t know what had happened, and he decided to continue driving the five kilometers (3 mi) to his home.

 In a letter addressed to the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Bob explained what happened next. “Five young folks in a car pulled up alongside me and rolled down their window,” he wrote. “They let me know that the tire had burst. We pulled over, and they offered to change it. I didn’t even know if I had a spare or a jack. As I sat on the side of the highway in my wheelchair, they crawled under the van and found the spare tire and the jack, and they changed the tire. The weather was freezing, and snow was blowing. They had on their dress clothes, but they did the job and got me on my way. I couldn’t have done this by myself.

 “Thank you to the five Witness kids who helped me. They were on the road stopping by folks’ homes to preach their message. These kids definitely practice what they preach, literally. They saved me from a very long ordeal for sure, and I truly appreciate it. Who knew that there were such young angels on the highway that day?”