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Faith and Worship


Are All Religions the Same? Do They All Lead to God?

Two factors highlighted in the Bible provide the answer.

Is It Necessary to Belong to an Organized Religion?

Can a person simply worship God on his own?


Will God Help Me if I Pray?

Does God really care about our problems?

Why Pray? Will God Answer Me?

Whether God will answer you when you pray is largely up to you.

What Can I Pray For?

Find out why personal concerns are not too trivial for God to consider.

Why Pray in Jesus’ Name?

Consider how praying in Jesus’ name honors God, and how it shows respect for Jesus.

Should I Pray to Saints?

Learn what the Bible says about whom we should pray to.

Why Does God Reject Some Prayers?

Learn what type of prayers God does not answer and what kind of people God does not listen to.


Jesus Saves​—How?

Why do we need Jesus to plead for us? Is belief in Jesus all that we need to be saved?

How Is Jesus’ Sacrifice “a Ransom for Many”?

How does the ransom provide redemption from sin?

What Is Baptism?

Many water baptisms are recorded in the Bible, revealing the meaning and importance of baptism.

Sin and Forgiveness

What Is Sin?

Are some sins worse than others?

Can the Bible Provide Relief to Those Plagued by Guilt?

Excessive guilt can paralyze you, but three steps can help you to move forward.

Is Gambling a Sin?

The Bible does not discuss gambling in detail, so how can we know what God’s view is?

Religious Practices

What Does the Bible Say About Tithing?

The difference between what the Bible actually says and what some think that it says might surprise you.

What Does the Bible Say About Giving?

What kind of giving is pleasing to God?