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Who Is God?

Does God Exist?

The Bible answers with five compelling lines of evidence.

Is God an Impersonal Force?

The Bible says God created all things, but does he care about us?

Is God Everywhere, Omnipresent?

Does the Bible teach that God is everywhere? Why can you be confident that he resides in a specific place, yet also knows you personally?

Does God Live in a Specific Location?

What does the Bible say about where God lives? Is Jesus in the same place?

Is the Trinity Doctrine in the Bible?

Many religions teach that God is a Trinity. Is that what the Bible teaches?

What Is the Holy Spirit?

For good reason, the Bible refers to the holy spirit as God’s “hands.”

God’s Name

Does God Have a Name?

Many Bible translations contain God’s personal name. Should you use it?

Is God’s Name Jesus?

Jesus never identified himself as Almighty God. Why not?

Who Is Jehovah?

Is he the God of just one people, such as the Israelites?

How Many Names Does God Have?

People may think that God has names that include ‘Allah,’ ‘Alpha and Omega,’ ‘El Shaddai,’ and ‘Jehovah-Jireh.’ Does it matter what we call God?

God’s Will

What Is the Will of God for My Life?

Do you need a special sign or calling to know God’s will? Find out the Bible’s answer.

How Can You Know God Personally?

Seven steps can help you to build a friendship with Him.

Is God to Blame for Our Suffering?

Suffering can afflict anyone—even those who are favored by God. Why?