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The Bible

Origin and Authenticity

Is the Bible a Book of Human Wisdom?

Note the claim the Bible makes for itself.

Is the Bible a Record of God’s Thoughts?

Many Bible writers credited God for what they wrote. Why?

Did Moses Write the Bible?

Moses was involved in writing the Bible. How many people wrote the Bible?

Can Anyone Know Who Really Wrote the Bible?

Bible writers claim divine guidance and authorship. How can we believe what was written?

Has the Bible Been Changed or Tampered With?

Since the Bible is such an old book, how can we be sure that its message has been preserved with accuracy?

When Did God Begin to Create the Universe?

The answer lies in how the words “beginning” and “day” are used in Genesis.

Does Science Agree With the Bible?

Are there scientific errors in the Bible?

Is the Bible a White Man’s Book?

Where were the Bible writers born, what part of the world did they come from?

When Were the Accounts About Jesus Written?

What was the time span from Jesus death until the writing of the Gospels?

Reading and Understanding the Bible

What Are the Keys to Understanding the Bible?

You can unlock its valuable message.

What Does It Mean to Be a “Good Samaritan”?

In a masterful way, Jesus used this story to teach people how to treat others, regardless of their background, race, or nationality.

Prophecy and Symbolism

What Is Babylon the Great?

The Bible says that it is both a prostitute and a city.

End of the World

Did the Bible Predict the Way People Think and Act Today?

The Bible did foretell that people would change for the worse.

What Is the Battle of Armageddon?

The word Armageddon appears only once in the Bible, but the battle it refers to is discussed throughout the Scriptures.

Will the Earth Be Destroyed?

What the Bible says may surprise you.

What Will God’s Kingdom Accomplish?

Learn what you can expect when God’s government rules over the earth.

People, Places, and Things

Women in the Bible​—What Can We Learn From Them?

See the contrast between some great women in the Bible and others who were downright wicked.

Who Was John the Baptist?

His prophetic message prepared the hearts of his fellow Jews to recognize the promised Messiah.

Who Was Mary Magdalene?

Some common beliefs about her are not supported by the Scriptures.

The Story of Noah and the Great Flood​—Is It Just a Myth?

The Bible says that God once caused a great flood to destroy wicked people. What facts does the Bible present to support its claim of divine origin?

Did God Use Evolution to Create the Different Types of Life?

Nothing in the Bible conflicts with scientific observations that variations occur within each kind of life.

Practical Value

Can the Bible Help Me to Have a Happy Family?

Wise advice from the Bible has already helped millions of men and women to have happiness at home.

What Does the Bible Say About Friendship?

Good friends bring out the best in one another and enhance one another’s strengths. Choose your friends carefully!

What Is the Golden Rule?

When Jesus gave the Golden Rule, he was speaking about how to treat not only people in general but even one’s enemies.

Is Money the Root of All Evil?

The common expression “money is the root of all evil” is an incomplete Bible quotation.

Money Problems and Debt—Can the Bible Help?

Money can’t buy happiness, but four Bible principles can help you with your finances.

Living With Chronic Illness—Can the Bible Help?

Yes! Learn three steps that can help you to cope with chronic illness.

What Does the Bible Say About Revenge?

Advice from the Bible has helped many overcome a desire for revenge.

Can the Bible Help Me if I’m Depressed?

There are three things God gives generously to help with feelings of depression.

Can Religion, God, or the Bible Help You Feel Better About Your Life?

Learn how friendship with God can improve your life now and in the future.