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Is Planet Earth Near the Brink?

Is Planet Earth Near the Brink?

Kingdom News No. 30

Is Planet Earth Near the Brink?


Energy Crisis

Violent Crime & Terrorism

Arms Race



What do these crises mean for OUR EARTH?

VIOLENT CRIME & TERRORISM—“Fear Stalks the Streets” as violent crime becomes “A Worldwide Epidemic.” (“U.S. News & World Report”) Rapidly mounting international terrorism is called an “Ogre Eating the World.”

ARMS RACE—At least five tons of explosive power exists for each person on earth, yet $1,000,000 a minute is being spent for more.

POLLUTION—Toxic chemical and nuclear wastes foul land, water and air. “Planet Earth is gradually being polluted to death.”—Toronto “Globe and Mail.”

FAMINE—‘Every year some 50 million people starve to death, including 17 million children under age five; one billion humans are always hungry.’—World Food Council.

INFLATION—Now a “worldwide disaster,” says a noted economist, that can “eventually destroy one society after another.”—“Industry Week.”

ENERGY CRISIS—“Emergencies centered around oil will set back world progress for many, many years.”—“Foreign Affairs.”

● “Today the world begins more and more to resemble a ricocheting bullet as it careens from disaster to disaster.”—Global Conference on the Future.

● Many people fear that these crises may spell doomsday for mankind or the Biblical “end of the world.”—Matthew 24:3, “Authorized Version.”

● Some stockpile food, precious metals, weapons and even flee the cities.

Is all of this leading to nuclear or economic annihilation?

NO, you can be sure it is not! Why?

Because a Source that has accurately foreseen these alarming events—the Bible—also assures us that earth “will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever.”—Psalm 104:5; Ecclesiastes 1:4.

And Jesus Christ promised that the meek “will inherit the earth.” How could the meek do that if the whole world of mankind is destroyed?—Matthew 5:5.

What, then, does “the end of the world” mean?

The Bible explains that during the flood of Noah’s day, “the world of that time suffered destruction when it was deluged with water.”—2 Peter 3:5, 6.

But Noah and his family survived. What about now?

The same reliable account says that today’s world is “reserved to the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men.” Also, as did Noah and his family, others will survive into a cleansed earth.—2 Peter 3:7, 13.

So, rather than destroy our beautiful globe, is it not much more reasonable that God would rid planet earth of those responsible for its woes?


Today’s crises mean the end of this evil world is near!

Jesus Christ foretold today’s critical world situation in detail. He said it would bring “anguish of nations, not knowing the way out . . . while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming.”—Luke 21:25, 26.

But to those who know God’s purposes, this was to be a good sign. Why? Jesus answered: “As these things start to occur . . . lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near.”—Luke 21:28.

In fact, Jesus narrowed the time for all of this to the lifetime of just one “generation”:

“This generation will by no means pass away until all things occur.”—Luke 21:32.

After earth is cleansed, what?

Our Creator’s Purpose for Planet Earth Fulfilled

Our planet will then be inhabited, as God purposed, by those who will work unselfishly to make it a global paradise.—Isaiah 45:18.

This will mean unending happiness to all who survive into a world where “the righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it.”—Psalm 37:29.

Would you like to live when the arms race, terrorism, violent crime, famine, pollution, inflation and the energy crisis are only a distant memory? You can.


If you would like to know more about life on a renewed earth, send the coupon below for the informative 32-page booklet—Is There a God Who Cares?

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[Picture on page 4]

Survivors will share in making the earth a paradise