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The Family—Can It Survive?

The Family—Can It Survive?

Kingdom News No. 24

The Family—Can It Survive?

“The disintegration of the family may do more to harm a society than running out of its favorite energy.”—The Seattle Times, Jan. 18, 1976.

“In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, . . . disobedient to parents, . . . having no natural affection.”—The Bible.

How Serious Is The Threat?

Is this just a ‘time of change’ for the family unit? Or is its very existence threatened? Problems vary from family to family, but powerful forces now shake more and more households. Consider just a few:

● World wide, marriage breakups drastically increase. In some countries there is now one divorce for every three marriages.

● Soaring prices everywhere drive a wedge into family life—fathers must work longer hours, mothers often seek outside employment.

● Strife within the family is increasing; each year millions of family members are threatening or attacking one another.

● Parents agonize as they see their children draw away. Children complain that adults do not understand them. More and more families no longer eat, work or play together.

Add to these the disputes over the role of women and today’s shifting moral standards. All are threats, not only to family happiness, but to the family’s very existence.

Are We Looking In The Right Direction?

Is more money the answer to family problems? No, for these problems are rampant also among the rich.

Can education and counseling help families? Yes, but the question is: What education? Social workers and religious leaders frequently disagree among themselves as to remedies.

Yet, many persons agree that every family needs—

✔ Better communication—between husband and wife, between parents and children

✔ Honest concern and affection—making time for one another, becoming real companions

✔ Sound guidance to help all in the family know what is expected of them and where they are going with their lives

“Easier said than done,” you may say. Agreed. Motivation is needed. People must really want to make changes. Happily there is a reliable source for finding help and motivation.

A Guide That Works

Consider these ancient proverbs:

“Better to eat a dry crust of bread with peace of mind than have a banquet in a house full of trouble.”

“Better to eat vegetables with people you love than to eat the finest meat where there is hate.”

Powerful, aren’t they? Both came from the world’s oldest moral guide, the Holy Bible. (Proverbs 17:1; 15:17, Today’s English Version) As noted at the top of page 2, thousands of years ago this same book foretold the critical times that we now see. (Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5.) However, it also has much fine counsel concerning family life. This counsel can be applied to everyday living—no matter who we are.

Why not test it out? Look into what the Bible says about the family.

The Bible answers such questions as:

What relationship should exist between husband and wife for real happiness?

How can differences be resolved so that love is kept or “restored”?

What can help to prevent a ‘generation gap’ between young people and parents?

How much discipline do children need, and how should it be given?

In the book described below there is a chapter devoted to exploring what the Bible says about family life. The sound guidance given there is not just theory. How so?

Right now the Bible is helping millions of family members to solve their problems. These families are not only surviving—they are finding greater happiness! Certainly, no matter what your circumstance, such a pursuit is worth your time.

Please send me, postpaid, the 192-page book “The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life.” I am enclosing 25 cents.