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Would You Welcome Some Good News?

Would You Welcome Some Good News?

Kingdom News No. 20

Would You Welcome Some Good News?



Poverty Disappears Earth Wide

No Unemployment Problem

Another Year With No Crime

Streets Safe for Women and Children


Health Abounds

Pollution Wiped Out

No Food Shortages Anywhere

Record Crops Reported

Global Peace Undisturbed

National Barriers Removed

People Enjoy New Freedom of Movement

You probably doubt that you will ever see a newspaper like that. We don’t blame you. After all, today’s harsh realities produce very little good news.


Wouldn’t you agree that nearly everybody wants the things described in the headlines above?

For example, consider war, crime and violence. By far, most persons want peace and security. Yet the world spends $27 million every hour for war. Think what could be done if that were used to build homes, make farm equipment and promote health.

And what about economic prosperity? Everyone wants that. But millions now live in poverty and hunger. Yet, world food authorities say that the earth, if properly managed, could feed even ‘the 30 billion people projected for the future.’

Also, don’t you think that most people would rather live in a garden than in a garbage dump? Today our air, water and land are being dangerously polluted. Yet earth’s streams, atmosphere and land all have self-purifying systems. With just some simple cooperation from man, the earth could clean itself up in a short time.

Why, then, is so much of today’s news bad? Why are so many people saying: “Something has to change. Things just can’t go on as they are”? The truth is, there must be a change, but a far bigger one than most people think.


All the many human systems now operating on earth are interlocked. A New York “Times” article states: “Oil, food, prosperity, security, everything is connected to everything else. . . . Are human beings capable of organizing themselves on so large a scale? Can they overcome their differences and agree on world solutions to world problems?”

You know the answer to that question. After thousands of years of effort by every kind of human government, these problems have not been solved. Instead, they worsen. Surely if human systems could have solved the problems they should have already. Does it make sense to keep looking to them for the answer when they themselves are responsible for so much of today’s bad news? Obviously not.

But if men do not have the solution, who does? Well, what about man’s Creator?

When did you last stop to think about the things you see around you—the skies, the earth with its mountains, valleys, streams and lakes, its vegetation and flowers, and all its varied forms of life—yes, your very own body? Don’t we see in all these the evidence of marvelous wisdom, power and loving consideration? And aren’t these the very qualities needed to solve mankind’s difficulties?

But why can we expect God to come to mankind’s rescue? Well, if you could bring about a change for the better, wouldn’t you do it? Then do you think the Creator will do less? God promises to set up an enduring heavenly government or “kingdom.” It will soon crush all of today’s political kingdoms and usher in a new order of true peace and security for all the earth.—Daniel 2:44; Revelation 21:4.


If mankind’s Creator is going to bring about good things, why has he waited so long to do it? The Bible answers this.

It shows that he has allowed this time so that men could have full opportunity to exercise the self-rule that they themselves have chosen. Today you and everybody else can see the results. Surely the Bible is proved right when it says, “It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his steps.” (Jeremiah 10:23) Man’s need for God’s direction was never more apparent than now.

God foresaw the failure of human efforts and inspired the Bible writers to foretell the conditions that we see today. These conditions are the sign that his time to act has drawn near. (Matthew 24:7, 8; 2 Timothy 3:1-5) Yes, Jesus Christ said that “this generation” that now faces so much bad news is also the generation to which the good news can be announced that ‘God’s kingdom is at hand.’—Luke 21:28-32.


All this means that soon the news will indeed sound around the earth that “poverty has disappeared earth wide” and “no food shortages are reported anywhere.” Then parents will know that their families will never suffer want. Bible prophecy says: ‘Jehovah will certainly make for all the peoples a banquet of rich foods.’ (Isaiah 25:6) By God’s direction, the earth will come to its full productive power and “there will come to be plenty of grain on the earth.”—Psalm 72:16.

Then, year after year, men, women and children will enjoy life in a crime-free society. God’s government will educate all its subjects to promote love of neighbor, peace and unity. Earth wide it will be true “they will not lift up sword, nation against notion, neither will they learn war anymore. . . . and there will be no one making them tremble,” day or night.—Micah 4:3, 4.

Mankind’s Creator will then bring those living to a state of perfect health, conquering all disease and imperfection. In the fullest sense, “no resident will say: ‘I am sick.’” (Isaiah 33:24) The healing power that God’s Son displayed on earth will be applied for mankind’s recuperation. (Matthew 15:30, 31) But such good news could not be complete if it did not include hope for those who have died. The Giver of life, Jehovah God, promises that even dead loved ones will be brought back to life on earth.—John 5:28.


For you to receive an invitation to enjoy a banquet in lovely surroundings would be good news, wouldn’t it? But, for that good news to mean anything, you would have to act on it. In his Word, the Bible, God warmly invites you to be among those who will join in the grand banquet he will soon spread. Will you act on his invitation?

What you have read here is only a small part of the evidence found in the Bible that we live at a most wonderful point in human history. There is much, much more evidence available. Why not take time to learn what God offers? Jehovah’s witnesses are happy to offer their services free of charge to aid you to learn more of this good news. Or, if you wish, write for the two books listed below.

[ ] Please send me the two 192-page hardbound books “God’s ‘Eternal Purpose’ Now Triumphing for Man’s Good” and “Is This Life All There Is?” I enclose 50 cents, which covers their entire cost.

[ ] Have one of Jehovah’s witnesses call and explain the good news to me in more detail.

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Some say, “Man got himself into this mess; he can get himself out.” Is that true?

A man may be strong enough to swim out into a rough sea. But he can swim so far out that he cannot get back without help.

Mankind has brought itself into an extreme global crisis. Why expect it to get out without help?