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The True Light of the World

The True Light of the World

The Word was in the beginning with God and was a god (gnj 1 00:00–00:43)

The Word was used by God to create all other things (gnj 1 00:44–01:00)

Life and light came into existence by means of the Word (gnj 1 01:01–02:11)

Darkness has not overpowered the light (gnj 1 02:12–03:59)

Luke provides background for writing his account, addresses Theophilus (gnj 1 04:13–06:02)

Gabriel foretells birth of John the Baptist (gnj 1 06:04–13:53)

Gabriel foretells birth of Jesus (gnj 1 13:52–18:26)

Mary visits her relative Elizabeth (gnj 1 18:27–21:15)

Mary magnifies Jehovah (gnj 1 21:14–24:00)

Birth and naming of John (gnj 1 24:01–27:17)

Zechariah’s prophecy (gnj 1 27:15–30:56)

Mary pregnant by holy spirit; Joseph’s reaction (gnj 1 30:58–35:29)

Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem; Jesus is born (gnj 1 35:30–39:53)

Angels appear to shepherds in the fields (gnj 1 39:54–41:40)

Shepherds go to the manger (gnj 1 41:41–43:53)

Jesus presented to Jehovah at the temple (gnj 1 43:56–45:02)

Simeon privileged to see the Christ (gnj 1 45:04–48:50)

Anna speaks about the child (gnj 1 48:52–50:21)

Astrologers’ visit and Herod’s murderous plan (gnj 1 50:25–55:52)

Joseph takes Mary and Jesus and flees to Egypt (gnj 1 55:53–57:34)

Herod kills young boys in Bethlehem and all its districts (gnj 1 57:35–59:32)

Jesus’ family settles in Nazareth (gnj 1 59:34–1:03:55)

Twelve-year-old Jesus at the temple (gnj 1 1:04:00–1:09:40)

Jesus returns to Nazareth with his parents (gnj 1 1:09:41–1:10:27)

The true light was about to come into the world (gnj 1 1:10:28–1:10:55)