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Wit my wife, Tabitha, in da ministry


I Neva Believe In God

I Neva Believe In God
  • BORN: 1974




I wuz born in one village in Saxony, in wat wuz called befo da German Democratic Republic, o da GDR. Wen I wuz growin up, inside my house had plenny love. My parents wuz good parents an dey had teach me how fo live real good. Da place I wen live wuz one communist place. So mos da peopo ova dea dey neva kea about religion. An me, I neva believe in God. All da way til I wuz 18 ony two tings wen mold da way I wen tink. I neva believe in God, an I wen believe in communism.

Communism, erybody stay equal, an I wen like dat. I wen believe dat erybody should get equal stuff so dat no moa da supa rich kine guys, an den da broke ones. So I wen hook up wit one communist hui fo young guys. Wen I wuz 14 I wen spend plenny time wit one recycle project fo help take kea da eart. Da local town of Aue wuz so stoked fo all da work I wen do, dey wen give me one award. Even tho I wuz one young boy, I got fo know some of da supa importan GDR leadas. I wen feel like eryting wuz goin good, I wuz on da right path, an eryting wuz goin get moa betta.

But den, outa no wea eryting wen get all jam up. In 1989 dey wen buss down da Berlin Wall. An den all da communist states, East Europe side, wen come down too. Den one moa ting wen trip me out. I wen find out dat plenny stuff in da GDR no wuz fair. Like guys who neva back up communism, dey wuz treated like nobodys. I wuz tinkin, ‘eh! How come lidat? Da communists neva really believe dat erybody wuz all equal? Communism wuz all fake o wat?’ I wuz stressin.

So I started fo focus on music an art. I went to one music school—an I wanted fo go college—an den afta dat I wanted fo play music an be one artist fo my job. All da stuff my parents wen teach me on how fo live good, I wen hemo all dat. All I wanted fo do wuz have fun. I wuz hookin up wit plenny diffren wahines. But playin music, art, doin anykine, all dat neva help me fo stop stressin out. Even all da stuff I wuz painting wen show how I wuz feelin inside. I wuz wonderin wat goin happen in da future? An wat iz life all about?

Wen I found out da ansas, ho wen blow my mind. One time at school all us guys wuz talkin story about da future. Mandy *, who wuz one student an wuz one Witness Fo Jehovah, wen tell me, ‘Andreas, if you like find out da ansas about life an da future, you gotta study da Bible.’

I wuz tinkin, ‘ah I dunno bout dis.’ But I still wanted fo know. Mandy wen show me Daniel chapta 2, an wen trip me out. Wen tell about all da mayjah govaments all da way down to wea we stay now. She wen show me odda stuff about da future. Finally fo real ansas! But who wen write all dat? An how dey wen know all da stuff dat wuz goin happen? Maybe get one God.


I wen meet one Witness couple, Horst an Angelika, from Mandy. An dey wen help me fo undastan da Bible moa betta. I wen learn real fast dat ony Witnesses Fo Jehovah wen use God’s name, Jehovah, all da time. (Psalm 83:18 NW; Matthew 6:9)I wen learn dat Jehovah make um possible fo erybody live foeva on one paradise eart. Songs Fo God 37:9 tell, “But da peopo dat wait fo Da One In Charge fo take kea dem, dey da ones goin get da land Da One In Charge wen promise dem.” I wen like dat erybody who live da way dat God like can live foeva.

But I had hard time live how God like, how tell in da Bible. Cuz I wuz good at playin music an one good artist, ho I got big head. So I had fo learn how be humbo. An wuz hard fo stop hookin up wit da wahines. I so tankful fo da way Jehovah treat da guys who tryin dea bes fo live how da Bible tell. He so undastandin, patient, an he fogive.

Da firs 18 years of my life wuz all about communism an no believing in God. But eva since den, da Bible had been changin my life. Now I no sked about da future. An I know how use my life. In 1993 I got baptize az one Witness Fo Jehovah. In 2000 I married Tabitha, one sistah dat go all out fo Jehovah. We use oua time fo help odda peopo know about da Bible. Plenny guys we meet get same kine backgroun az me. I get all stoked wen I help dem get fo know Jehovah.


Wen I firs started fo hang out wit da Witnesses Fo Jehovah, my parents wen freak out. But den dey wen see all da good stuff dat wen come from me hangin wit dem. Now I so happy dey read da Bible, an dey go meetins fo Witnesses Fo Jehovah.

Me an Tabitha, we supa tight cuz we try fo follow wat da Bible tell wen come to married couples. Like wen talk about not foolin around, dat ony make oua marriage moa strong.​—Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 13:4.

Now I no sked an I no worry about da future. Now I part of one worldwide ohana wea erybody get fo real kine peace an stay tight wit each odda. In dis ohana, nobody betta den da odda person. Erybody same same. Das I wat I wanted my whole life.

^ Name wuz changed.