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Wat God Stay Like?

Wat God Stay Like?

Da moa you know how somebody stay, da moa tight you can come wit dem. Same same da moa we know how Jehovah stay an wat he like, da moa tight we can come wit him. Outa all da unreal stuff about Jehovah, get four dat stan out da mos: his powa, he akamai, he fair, an his love.


“Fo shua you da One wen make da sky an da world, cuz you strong an you no sked use yoa powa.”JEREMIAH 32:17.

We see proof of God’s powa in erytin he wen make. Summa time wen you go outside, wat you feel on yoa skin? You feel da sun. You feelin da effecks of sometin Jehovah had make wit his powa. How powaful da sun stay? In da middo of da sun, iz about 27,000,000 degrees. Ery secon, da sun give off energy dass da same az hundreds of millions of nuclear bombs goin off.

But oua sun iz ony manini wen you compare um to da uku trillion stars in da universe. Science guys tink dat one of da mos mangus stars named UY Scuti iz about 1,700 times moa big den da sun. If you wen swap out UY Scuti wit da sun, it would cova ova da eart an go pas da planet Jupiter. Maybe dat goin help us fo undastan moa betta wat Jeremiah had tell, dat Jehovah God had make da sky an da eart, da whole universe wit his unreal powa.

How God’s powa good fo us? Fo live, we need all da stuff dat God had make. Like da sun an all da stuff dat come from da eart. On top of dat, God use his powa fo help peopo in one personal kine way. How you figga? Befo time, God had give Jesus his powa fo do unreal tings. Matthew 11:5 wen tell: “Had guys dat no can see, now dey can see. Had guys dat no can walk, now dey can walk. Had lepa guys, now dey no mo sick. Had guys dat no can hear, now dey can hear. Had guys dat wen mahke, now dey stay walk aroun.” Wat about oua time? Isaiah 40:29 tell: “He da One make da tired peopo come strong.” An verse 31 tell: “But da peopo dat wait fo Da One In Charge help dem, dey goin change fo dem come mo strong still yet.” 2 Fo Da Corint Peopo 4:7 show us dat God can give us “fo real powa” fo help us hando all da pilikia dat we get. Dat no make you like come moa close to one God who goin use his unreal powa fo you?


“Eh! You Da One In Charge! Get choke plenny tings you wen make! An eryting you make, you know wat you stay do! Da world stay full a da tings you wen make.SONGS FO GOD 104:24.

Da moa we learn about da tings God had make, da moa had blow oua minds how akamai God stay. Get science guys who spock out all da stuff Jehovah had make an dey try copy um fo make da stuff dey makin moa betta. Can be from real simpo stuff all da way to one airplane.

So Unreal How Da Human Eye Made

Nottin show how akamai God stay moa den da human body. We go try look how one bebe grow. Start wit one cell dat get all da instrukshens inside um. Dat cell split off into choke moa cells dat all look da same. But at jus da right time, da cells start fo change an dey come diffren, like blood cells, nerve cells, bone cells. Pretty soon da organs come togedda an start fo work. In ony nine months, dat one firs cell wen turn into one full blown bebe wit uku billion cells. Wen you look how akamai you gotta be fo design dis, plenny peopo feel like da Bible writa who wen tell in Songs Fo God 139:14: “I like tell you dat you da greates, cuz wen you wen make me you wen do spesho kine tings fo me.”

God so akamai, how dat good fo us? Cuz he wen make us, he know what we need fo be happy. Inside da Bible get da smarts from God, an from dat we know how fo ack. Like wat tell at Fo Da Colosse Peopo 3:13: “Wen somebody give you problem, eh, let um go, an no stay huhu wit dem.” You tink dass smart fo us do? Garuntee! Research guys wen figga out dat wen you let um go, you goin sleep moa betta, an yoa blood presha goin be good, can even lowa da chance of gettin depression an odda problems. God iz like one akamai friend who kea plenny about us an who no stop givin us good kine words fo kokua us. (2 Fo Timoty 3:16, 17) Good, aah, fo have one fren lidat?


“Cuz Da One In Charge, He like fo peopo do wass right.”SONGS FO GOD 37:28.

God, he always do wass right. Job 34:10 tell “No ways God goin do someting bad! No ways Da God Dat Get All Da Powa goin do wass wrong!” Da way he judge iz always good. Da Song writa wen tell at Songs Fo God 67:4 “Cuz wen you judge da diffren peopos, you no make diffren kine to diffren peopo.” 1 Samuel 16:7 tell: “But me, Da One In Charge, I look wat stay inside da peopo.” Cuz of dat, no can bulai Jehovah, ony ack one way wen we really anodda way. Cuz Jehovah, he know da trut an always goin judge good. God, he know erytin dass crooked an not fair on da eart an he promise in Wat Da Smart Guys Tell 2:22: “Da peopo dat no stay do wass right, dey goin get wipe out so dat no mo dem on top da land.”

Same time, God not one strict judge who no can wait fo give you cracks. He let tings go, wen can. Songs Fo God 103:8 tell: “He get plenny pity fo peopo, an he like do good tings fo dem.” Even fo da pilau peopo who show dey fo real sorry. Dat no sound fair to you?—2 From Peter 3:9.

How God bein fair stay good fo us? Da aposal Peter wen tell at Jesus Guys Wat Dey Wen Do 10:34, 35: “God treat erybody same same. He tell, ‘Go come by me, erybody dat get respeck fo me an do da right ting, from all da diffren peopos.’” Iz good fo us dat God he fair cuz he no pick favorites an he no treat some peopo betta den oddas. We can come his fren an be one of his guys no matta da color of oua skin, wea we come from, wea we wen go school, an even how much money we get.

Iz good fo us dat God treat erybody same, no matta wat race you an how much money you get

Cuz God fair he give us sometin inside us fo know wass good an wass bad. Fo Da Rome Peopo 2:15 tell about um dat peopo “get da Rules From God…inside dem…[fo know] wat stay right an wat stay wrong.” How dat good fo us? If stay workin good, goin hold us back from doin anytin dass not fair o from hurtin us o odda peopo. An if we jam up, goin cause us be fo real kine sorry an change how we ack. Fo shua, knowin how fair God stay goin kokua us an help us come moa close to him!


“God erytime get love an aloha fo erybody—dass how he stay.”1 FROM JOHN 4:8.

God show his powa, his smarts, an dat he fair, but da Bible no say dat he stay dose tings. But wen come to love an aloha, da Bible tell dass how he stay. How come? Cuz God get all da mana, he can do wateva he like. Cuz he akamai an he fair, dat guide da way he do stuff. But Jehovah’s love an aloha move him fo ack. His love affeck erytin he do.

Even tho Jehovah neva need, cuz he had erytin, his love wen move him fo make akamai angels an peopo so dat dey could feel his love an kea fo dem. He wen make da eart unreal fo us live on um. He still yet show love fo erybody. Matthew 5:45 tell: “He make da sun come up fo da bad guys an da good guys. An he sen rain fo da guys dat do da right tings, an fo da guys dat no do da right tings.“

On top of dat, From James 5:11 tell dat Jehovah “he feel pity fo us guys, an give us chance.” He show he really kea fo da guys who takin action fo know him an come close to him. He see ery single one of dose guys. 1 From Peter 5:7 tell: “He get one big heart fo you.”

How God’s love good fo us? So good aah, fo see one unreal sunset? An wen you hear one bebe laughin, ho you feel good aah? An mean so much, da love oua ohana give us. We no need all dis stuff. But make oua life way moa betta.

Cuz God’s love, we get one odda ting dass good fo us. Praya. Da Bible tell at Fo Da Philippi Peopo 4:6: “Eh, no worry bout notting! Mo betta, eryting dat happen, pray bout um, an go aks God fo do wateva you guys like him fo do. An same time, no foget tell him, “Mahalo plenny!”” Like one lovin fadda, he like us go to him fo help wit all da stuff we feel deep inside us. Den cuz Jehovah love us, he promise in verse 7: “God goin make you guys come so notting bodda you. Dat goin be mo betta den anybody can figga.”

Talkin story small kine about dese four tings, dat wen help you fo see moa betta wat God stay like? No stop dea. Keep learnin wat God wen do fo you an wat he goin do fo you bumbye. An dat goin make you moa tankful fo wat God stay like.

WHAT GOD STAY LIKE? Jehovah iz moa powaful, moa smart, an moa fair den anyone else but da bestes ting about him iz his love.