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Wat Peopo Yoa Age Tell

Watch some videos of young guys from all ova da world dat tell about da hard tings dey wen go thru an how dey wuz able fo hando.


Wat Peopo Yoa Age Tell About Doin Stuff Las Minute

Hea wat younga peopo get fo say about why doin stuff las minute iz bad an wat happen wen you make good use of yoa time.

Wat Peopo Yoa Age Tell About How Yoa Body Look

How come is hard fo younga guys see dea body in da right way? Wat can help dem?

How I Can Fight Da Presha Fo Have Sex Befoa I Stay Married?

Three Bible truts can help you fight da presha.

Why I Get Fait—Comparing Wat God Like Wit Wat I Like

Young guys tell wat dey wen do fo no make da same mistakes az da odda kids in dea class.

Wen I Mess Up, How I Can Fix Um?

Da ansa not az hard az you tink.

Da Bes Life Eva

You like one happy life? Try lissen az Cameron tell how she wen find one happy life somewea she neva tink she would.