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Bible Videos​—Important Bible Teachings

This short video lesson them can answer important Bible questions. Some of them get link to the lesson them in the brochure, The Good News God Get For You!

You Think the Heaven and Earth was Created?

Some people can’t understand what this Bible book say. Some of them can even say that lie-lie story. We can believe what the Bible say?

You Think God That Real Person?

See proof that make us belief that God that real person.

God Get Name?

God get plenty titles, like Almighty, Creator, and Lord. This video show that we can find God own self name in the Bible more than 7,000 times.

You Think A Possible To Be God Friend?

For centuries, people have felt the need to know their Maker. The Bible can help us become God friend. That friendship starts by learning God name.

Who the Bible Coming From?

If that man write the Bible, it right to called it the Word of God? Who ideas inside the Bible?

How We Can Be Sure That the Bible Saying the True?

If that God give us the Bible, it not supposed to be like any other book

Why God Made the Earth?

The earth get plenty fine-fine thing them. It to the right place from the sun, it turning to the right area, and it turn with the correct speed. Why God did all this hard work to make the earth?

What Can Happen to Us When We Die?

The Bible promise that time will come, plenty people will come back to life, just like the way it happen to Lazarus

Jesus Christ That God?

Jesus Christ that the same person as Almighty God? Or they two different persons?

Why Jesus Die?

The Bible say Jesus death very important. His death get any meaning?

What Thing They Call God Kingdom?

When Jesus was on earth, he taught more about God Kingdom than any other thing. For years now, his followers have been praying for that Kingdom to come.

God Kingdom Started Ruling in 1914

More than 2,500 years ago, God made one powerful king to have dream, and that dream that was prophecy that fulfilling in our time.

The World Na Change Since 1914

The way the world conditions and human being behavior na change since 1914, it show that Bible prophecies about “the last days” fulfilling now-now.

You Think That God Can Make Bad Things to Happen?

Two people who suffer from bad things that happen in their area explain what they learn from the Bible.

Why God Allow Suffering?

Plenty people can ask why the world full of hatred and suffering. The Bible give answer that can lay our heart down.

God Can Accept All Types of Worship?

Plenty people believe that God not care about which religion you want be in.

You Think God Want Us to Use Images in Our Worship?

They can help us to draw close to God who we can’t see?

God Can Hear All Prayers?

What if the person prayer show that he only care for himself? What if a husband treat his wife bad way and then ask God for blessing?

That Sin to Look at Naked Man and Naked Woman Picture or Video?

The word “pornography” even in the Bible? How we can know how God feel about pornography?