Inda koshikalimo

Oombelewa nuuyelele wu na ko nasha nokuulukilwa moombelewa dhetu

Otatu ku hiya nesimaneko wu ka ulukilwe moombelewa dhetu nosho wo momahala getu gokunyanyangidhila. Tala kutya oombelewa ndhoka odhi li peni nosho wo ethimbo lyokutalela po.

Okutalela po koBetel: Okuza me 1 Juni 2023, aantu oya tameke okutalela po iitayimbelewa yetu miilongo oyindji muuyuni. Opo wu mone uuyelele wa gwedhwa po, kwatathana noshitayimbelewa shoka wa hala oku ka talela po. Ino ya nando wu ka talele po ngele owa monika oCorona, wu uvite uutalala nenge wa fa to endelwa keshikisha nenge uuna wa li nomuntu ngoka a monika oCorona.


Tour Reservations

Should you make a reservation before arriving for a tour? Yes. To prevent overcrowding and ensure that all enjoy their tour, we ask that all visitors reserve a tour before their visit, regardless of the size of the group. Reserve your tour at least one week in advance. For visits on public holidays, we encourage you to book further in advance.

If you do not have a reservation, will you still be able to take a tour? If you do not reserve a tour, we may not be able to accommodate you. Because of the space available, only a limited number will be able to tour each day.

What time should you arrive for your tour? To prevent overcrowding, please arrive no earlier than one hour before your tour reservation.

How do you reserve a tour? If your group includes fewer than 20 people, click the button “Make a Reservation​—Fewer Than 20 People.” Otherwise, e-mail to request a tour for 20 people or more.

Can you change or cancel a tour reservation? Yes. Click the button “View or Change Reservations.”

What if no tours are available on your preferred dates? Keep checking the site. Tours become available as reservations are changed or canceled.

Okuulukilwa ehala

Via della Bufalotta 1281

I-00138 ROME RM


+39 06-872941

Yimwe yomiilonga ya simana

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Tapa okafo kuuyelele