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Find Spiritual Gems That You Can Apply

Find Spiritual Gems That You Can Apply

When we read the Bible, we can look for spiritual gems by researching relevant facts. But how can we benefit more fully?

Dig deeper into the details of Bible accounts. For example, determine who wrote the passage, to whom, and when. What were the circumstances, what occurred before, and what happened afterward?

Discern the lessons by researching such questions as: ‘How did the people who were involved feel? What qualities did they display? Why should I either imitate those qualities or avoid developing them?’

Apply the lessons you learn, perhaps in your ministry or in your dealings with other people. By doing this, you show godly wisdom, as the Bible notes: “Whoever is wise will observe these things.”​—Ps. 107:43.

  • Tip: Notice how the material found in the midweek meeting part Treasures From God’s Word helps us to focus on the application. This section regularly contains questions we can ask ourselves, points we can meditate on, and illustrations we can examine.