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Brother Dennis Christensen in a courtroom holding chamber in 2018

JULY 8, 2020

Brother Christensen’s “Punishment” Extended Five Days After More False Charges Launched

Brother Christensen’s “Punishment” Extended Five Days After More False Charges Launched

Brother Dennis Christensen was scheduled to be released from his punishment cell a on July 6, 2020. However, on that same day, the Lgov prison extended his time in this cell five days, based on a new set of unfounded allegations, including tardiness.

Brother Christensen told his lawyer that the authorities are lying to ultimately prevent him from qualifying for early release. Over a year ago, Brother Christensen served enough of his six-year sentence to allow him to apply for early release. He has applied four times, but the Lgov court and the prison officials have been sabotaging his requests.

Russian authorities continue to smear our dear brothers in Russia with lies, yet we know Jehovah will help them by giving them peace and ‘surrounding them with approval as with a large shield.’—Psalm 5:12; 119:69.

a It was previously reported that shortly after a court granted Brother Christensen early release, the ruling was appealed and he was sent to a special punishment block (EPKT), typically reserved for malicious prison offenders. The EPKT shares the same building with a different punishment wing, called the SHIZO, where prisoners are taken for minor violations. However, it is now known that he was actually in the SHIZO wing.