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Brother Yegor Baranov and Sister Darya Dulova


Young Brother Baranov and Sister Dulova Display Faith and Courage

Young Brother Baranov and Sister Dulova Display Faith and Courage

Two of our dear young people in Russia, Brother Yegor Baranov and Sister Darya Dulova, are courageously facing criminal conviction and potential long-term imprisonment. Currently in pretrial detention, Brother Baranov is only 19 years old. Sister Dulova was only 18 years old when the authorities raided her home. They are the youngest of the over 380 brothers and sisters in Russia facing criminal conviction for their faith.

Brother Baranov has been detained since May 27, 2020. Sister Dulova awaits court rulings in two separate criminal cases. Despite their ongoing challenges, both are determined to remain faithful to Jehovah.

Armed Federal Security Service (FSB) agents raided the home where Brother Baranov lived with his mother on May 27. Subsequently, Judge Aleksey Shatilov ordered that our brother be placed in pretrial detention for being “one of the leaders” among Jehovah’s Witnesses in the area.

During the terrifying raid experience, Brother Baranov says he was able to calm down after praying to Jehovah. He relates, “One of those conducting the search noted that I behaved as if I had been waiting for them to come.”

Brother Baranov says that he constantly reminds himself that “if Jehovah allowed this situation, then it means I can endure it.” He further explains: “Fervent prayers to God for his assistance and holy spirit have helped me to not be afraid. Also, I have the confidence that I am not a criminal. My conscience is clear, and I am being persecuted for my faith.”

Brother Baranov has confirmed that he does not feel threatened in the detention center. His fellow nonviolent prisoners have been respectful and treat him like a little brother. “They understand that I should not be here,” states Brother Baranov.

On August 1, 2018, officers raided the apartment Sister Dulova shares with her mother. Sister Dulova explains that although the search of her home and subsequent arrest have taken an emotional toll on her, her faith is resolute. “I am determined to remain faithful to Jehovah,” she says. “I will serve Jehovah to the end, no matter the outcome.”

The criminal trial involving Sister Dulova began in September 2019 at the Karpinsky City Court of the Sverdlovsk Region. During one of the final hearings, Sister Dulova told the court that it was normal for people to share the happy things in their life with others. She explained: “I know, for example, that God will soon establish a paradise on earth, that soon there will only be tears of joy. Shouldn’t this happy news prompt me to tell my neighbor about it?”

Despite her logical and courageous defense, she was convicted on January 27, 2020. Sister Dulova was given a one-year suspended prison sentence. The defense attorney filed an appeal.

On August 6, 2020, the Sverdlovsk Regional Court overturned Sister Dulova’s conviction. The case was returned to the Karpinsky City Court to be considered by another judge. The trial has not yet been scheduled. As she awaits the results of that case, she is contesting a second criminal investigation against her, her mother, and three other Witnesses.

Brother Baranov and Sister Dulova have learned much from their trials.

Sister Dulova relates what has helped her: “Strengthen your spirituality by reading the Bible, preparing for congregation meetings, and learning our Kingdom songs. Busy yourself by meditating on thoughts from the Bible that can help you to take your mind off of anxiety and fear of the unknown.”

Brother Baranov states: “To endure these conditions, you need to have a close relationship with God. Do not waste your time. Strengthen your friendship with Jehovah God now.”

The Bible is filled with examples of Jehovah helping faithful young people to be bold and courageous. We know he will continue to support our dear young ones facing persecution in Russia and in other parts of the world.​—1 Samuel 1:​20; 16:18; 2 Kings 5:​1-3; Daniel 1:​14-​17; 3:​17-​27.