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Brother Konstantin Moiseyenko and his wife, Margarita

JULY 7, 2021

Brother Konstantin Moiseyenko Finds Strength in the Example of Others

Brother Konstantin Moiseyenko Finds Strength in the Example of Others

UPDATE | Russian Court Denies Appeal

On September 9, 2021, the Amur Regional Court denied Brother Moiseyenko’s appeal. His original sentence remains in force. He is not required to go to prison at this time.

On July 14, 2021, the Zeyskiy District Court of the Amur Region convicted Brother Konstantin Moiseyenko and imposed a six-year suspended prison sentence. He does not need to go to prison at this time.


Konstantin Moiseyenko

  • Born: 1976 (Abakan, Republic of Khakassia)

  • Biography: Has younger twin brothers. As a young man, he was involved in martial arts. Became a computer systems administrator and service engineer

    In 1998, he married Margarita, a fashion designer. They both began studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses in early 2000. The Bible’s historic and scientific accuracy motivated Konstantin to learn more. He and his wife were baptized later that year

    His father died ten years ago. Took care of his blind grandmother for six years until her recent death

Case History

On March 11, 2019, the Investigative Department of the Federal Security Service (FSB) in the Amur Region initiated a criminal case against Brother Konstantin Moiseyenko. Subsequently, officers raided five homes of Witnesses, including Konstantin’s. The authorities seized laptops, cell phones, and personal records. Konstantin was placed on the Russian Federation’s list of extremists, which prevents him from accessing his bank accounts.

Konstantin recalls the encouraging experience of attending a convention with his wife in Seoul, South Korea, in 2018. During the program, one of the speakers asked attendees who had been imprisoned for their neutrality to stand up. “Practically all of the brothers in the stadium stood up,” Konstantin relates. “[The speaker] said: ‘Look! They are alive and doing well!’ This helped me to see clearly that it is possible to endure under trial.” The speaker also highlighted Psalm 23:5: “You prepare a table for me before my enemies. You refresh my head with oil; my cup is well-filled.” Konstantin recalls that these words really touched their hearts.

Konstantin also cherishes the support of the brotherhood. He is impressed that Witnesses around the world take a sincere interest in the details of his case and pray for him. He expresses: “I see a great crowd of fellow believers standing alongside each brother or sister who is facing persecution in our country. These fellow believers are acting in harmony with the words of 1 John 3:16, which reads, in part: ‘We are under obligation to surrender our lives for our brothers.’”

We rejoice when we hear that Jehovah is continuing to strengthen our brothers and sisters in Russia. It builds our confidence that he will also give “strength and power” to us when we face similar persecution.—Psalm 68:35.