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From left to right, top row: Brothers Aleksey Antyukhin, Sergey Baev, Yuriy Galka, Valeriy Gurskiy, and Vitaliy Nerush. Bottom row: Brothers Igor Popov, Yevgeniy Sokolov, Mikhail Veselov, and Anatoliy Yagupov

SEPTEMBER 20, 2022

Endurance Brings Positive Results

Endurance Brings Positive Results

The Levoberezhniy District Court of the City of Voronezh will soon announce its verdict in the case involving Brothers Aleksey Antyukhin, Sergey Baev, Yuriy Galka, Valeriy Gurskiy, Igor Popov, Vitaliy Nerush, Stepan Pankratov, a Yevgeniy Sokolov, Mikhail Veselov, and Anatoliy Yagupov. The prosecutor has yet to request a potential sentence.

Time Line

  1. July 13, 2020

    More than 100 homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses were searched in Voronezh and the surrounding area. Over 40 brothers and sisters were taken for interrogation. The ten brothers named above were placed in temporary detention

  2. July 14-15, 2020

    All ten brothers were sent to pretrial detention

  3. August 3–September 18, 2020

    Brothers Baev, Pankratov, Popov, and Yagupov were released from pretrial detention and placed under house arrest

  4. December 1-3, 2020

    Brothers Antyukhin, Galka, Gurskiy, Nerush, Sokolov, and Veselov were released from pretrial detention. Brothers Baev, Pankratov, Popov and Yagupov were released from house arrest

  5. December 13, 2021

    The criminal trial began


We are encouraged to see the positive results endurance is bringing our brothers and sisters in Russia as they continue to rely on Jehovah.—James 1:4.

a b A photograph of Brother Pankratov was not available.