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Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Creation of heavens and earth (1, 2)

    • Six days of preparing the earth (3-31)

      • Day 1: light; day and night (3-5)

      • Day 2: expanse (6-8)

      • Day 3: dry land and vegetation (9-13)

      • Day 4: heavenly luminaries (14-19)

      • Day 5: fish and birds (20-23)

      • Day 6: land animals and humans (24-31)

  • 2

    • God rests on the seventh day (1-3)

    • Jehovah God, Maker of heaven and earth (4)

    • Man and woman in the garden of Eden (5-25)

      • Man formed out of dust (7)

      • Forbidden tree of knowledge (15-17)

      • Creation of woman (18-25)

  • 3

    • Origin of man’s sin (1-13)

      • The first lie (4, 5)

    • Jehovah’s judgment on the rebels (14-24)

      • Woman’s offspring foretold (15)

      • Expulsion from Eden (23, 24)

  • 4

    • Cain and Abel (1-16)

    • Cain’s descendants (17-24)

    • Seth and his son Enosh (25, 26)

  • 5

    • From Adam to Noah (1-32)

      • Adam fathered sons and daughters (4)

      • Enoch walked with God (21-24)

  • 6

    • Sons of God take wives on earth (1-3)

    • Nephilim born (4)

    • Mankind’s badness saddens Jehovah (5-8)

    • Noah commissioned to build an ark (9-16)

    • God proclaims the coming of the Flood (17-22)

  • 7

    • Entering the ark (1-10)

    • The global Flood (11-24)

  • 8

    • The floodwaters subside (1-14)

      • Dove sent out (8-12)

    • Leaving the ark (15-19)

    • God’s promise for the earth (20-22)

  • 9

    • Instructions for all mankind (1-7)

      • Law about blood (4-6)

    • Rainbow covenant (8-17)

    • Prophecies about Noah’s descendants (18-29)

  • 10

    • List of the nations (1-32)

      • Descendants of Japheth (2-5)

      • Descendants of Ham (6-20)

        • Nimrod opposes Jehovah (8-12)

      • Descendants of Shem (21-31)

  • 11

    • Tower of Babel (1-4)

    • Jehovah confuses the language (5-9)

    • From Shem to Abram (10-32)

      • Terah’s family (27)

      • Abram leaves Ur (31)

  • 12

    • Abram leaves Haran for Canaan (1-9)

      • God’s promise to Abram (7)

    • Abram and Sarai in Egypt (10-20)

  • 13

    • Abram returns to Canaan (1-4)

    • Abram and Lot separate (5-13)

    • God’s promise to Abram repeated (14-18)

  • 14

    • Abram rescues Lot (1-16)

    • Melchizedek blesses Abram (17-24)

  • 15

    • God’s covenant with Abram (1-21)

      • The 400 years of affliction foretold (13)

      • God’s promise to Abram repeated (18-21)

  • 16

    • Hagar and Ishmael (1-16)

  • 17

    • Abraham to become a father of many nations (1-8)

      • Abram renamed Abraham (5)

    • Covenant of circumcision (9-14)

    • Sarai renamed Sarah (15-17)

    • Son Isaac promised (18-27)

  • 18

    • Three angels visit Abraham (1-8)

    • A son promised to Sarah; she laughs (9-15)

    • Abraham pleads for Sodom (16-33)

  • 19

    • Lot visited by angels (1-11)

    • Lot and his family urged to leave (12-22)

    • Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed (23-29)

      • Lot’s wife becomes a pillar of salt (26)

    • Lot and his daughters (30-38)

      • Origin of Moab and Ammon (37, 38)

  • 20

    • Sarah rescued from Abimelech (1-18)

  • 21

    • Birth of Isaac (1-7)

    • Ishmael mocks Isaac (8, 9)

    • Hagar and Ishmael sent away (10-21)

    • Abraham’s covenant with Abimelech (22-34)

  • 22

    • Abraham told to offer up Isaac (1-19)

      • Blessing because of Abraham’s offspring (15-18)

    • Rebekah’s family (20-24)

  • 23

    • Sarah’s death and burial place (1-20)

  • 24

    • Seeking a wife for Isaac (1-58)

    • Rebekah goes to meet Isaac (59-67)

  • 25

    • Abraham remarries (1-6)

    • Abraham’s death (7-11)

    • Ishmael’s sons (12-18)

    • Birth of Jacob and Esau (19-26)

    • Esau sells his birthright (27-34)

  • 26

    • Isaac and Rebekah in Gerar (1-11)

      • God’s promise confirmed to Isaac (3-5)

    • Conflict over wells (12-25)

    • Isaac’s covenant with Abimelech (26-33)

    • Esau’s two Hittite wives (34, 35)

  • 27

    • Jacob gets Isaac’s blessing (1-29)

    • Esau seeks blessing but is unrepentant (30-40)

    • Esau’s animosity toward Jacob (41-46)

  • 28

    • Isaac sends Jacob to Paddan-aram (1-9)

    • Jacob’s dream at Bethel (10-22)

      • God’s promise confirmed to Jacob (13-15)

  • 29

    • Jacob meets Rachel (1-14)

    • Jacob falls in love with Rachel (15-20)

    • Jacob marries Leah and Rachel (21-29)

    • Jacob’s four sons by Leah: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah (30-35)

  • 30

    • Bilhah bears Dan and Naphtali (1-8)

    • Zilpah bears Gad and Asher (9-13)

    • Leah bears Issachar and Zebulun (14-21)

    • Rachel bears Joseph (22-24)

    • Jacob’s flocks increase (25-43)

  • 31

    • Jacob secretly departs for Canaan (1-18)

    • Laban overtakes Jacob (19-35)

    • Jacob’s covenant with Laban (36-55)

  • 32

    • Angels meet Jacob (1, 2)

    • Jacob prepares to meet Esau (3-23)

    • Jacob wrestles with an angel (24-32)

      • Jacob renamed Israel (28)

  • 33

    • Jacob meets Esau (1-16)

    • Jacob journeys to Shechem (17-20)

  • 34

    • Dinah raped (1-12)

    • Jacob’s sons act deceitfully (13-31)

  • 35

    • Jacob gets rid of foreign gods (1-4)

    • Jacob returns to Bethel (5-15)

    • Benjamin’s birth; Rachel’s death (16-20)

    • Israel’s 12 sons (21-26)

    • Isaac’s death (27-29)

  • 36

    • Esau’s descendants (1-30)

    • Edom’s kings and sheikhs (31-43)

  • 37

    • Joseph’s dreams (1-11)

    • Joseph and his jealous brothers (12-24)

    • Joseph sold into slavery (25-36)

  • 38

    • Judah and Tamar (1-30)

  • 39

    • Joseph in Potiphar’s house (1-6)

    • Joseph resists Potiphar’s wife (7-20)

    • Joseph in prison (21-23)

  • 40

    • Joseph interprets prisoners’ dreams (1-19)

      • “Interpretations belong to God” (8)

    • Pharaoh’s birthday feast (20-23)

  • 41

    • Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams (1-36)

    • Joseph exalted by Pharaoh (37-46a)

    • Joseph’s food administration (46b-57)

  • 42

    • Joseph’s brothers go to Egypt (1-4)

    • Joseph meets his brothers and tests them (5-25)

    • The brothers return home to Jacob (26-38)

  • 43

    • Joseph’s brothers’ second trip to Egypt; with Benjamin (1-14)

    • Joseph meets again with his brothers (15-23)

    • Joseph’s banquet with his brothers (24-34)

  • 44

    • Joseph’s silver cup in Benjamin’s bag (1-17)

    • Judah pleads for Benjamin (18-34)

  • 45

    • Joseph reveals his identity (1-15)

    • Joseph’s brothers return for Jacob (16-28)

  • 46

    • Jacob and his household move to Egypt (1-7)

    • Names of those moving to Egypt (8-27)

    • Joseph meets Jacob at Goshen (28-34)

  • 47

    • Jacob meets Pharaoh (1-12)

    • Joseph’s wise administration (13-26)

    • Israel settles in Goshen (27-31)

  • 48

    • Jacob blesses Joseph’s two sons (1-12)

    • Ephraim gets greater blessing (13-22)

  • 49

    • Jacob’s deathbed prophecy (1-28)

      • Shiloh to come out of Judah (10)

    • Jacob’s burial instructions (29-32)

    • Jacob’s death (33)

  • 50

    • Joseph buries Jacob in Canaan (1-14)

    • Joseph confirms his forgiveness (15-21)

    • Joseph’s final days and death (22-26)

      • Joseph’s command about his bones (25)