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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Judah and Simeon’s conquests (1-20)

    • Jebusites persist in Jerusalem (21)

    • Joseph takes Bethel (22-26)

    • Canaanites not completely driven out (27-36)

  • 2

    • Warning from Jehovah’s angel (1-5)

    • Death of Joshua (6-10)

    • Judges raised up to save Israel (11-23)

  • 3

    • Jehovah tests Israel (1-6)

    • Othniel, the first judge (7-11)

    • Judge Ehud kills fat King Eglon (12-30)

    • Judge Shamgar (31)

  • 4

    • Canaanite King Jabin oppresses Israel (1-3)

    • Prophetess Deborah and Judge Barak (4-16)

    • Jael kills army chief Sisera (17-24)

  • 5

    • Victory song of Deborah and Barak (1-31)

      • Stars fight against Sisera (20)

      • Torrent of Kishon floods (21)

      • Those loving Jehovah are like the sun (31)

  • 6

    • Midian oppresses Israel (1-10)

    • An angel assures Judge Gideon of support (11-24)

    • Gideon tears down altar of Baal (25-32)

    • God’s spirit active on Gideon (33-35)

    • The fleece test (36-40)

  • 7

    • Gideon and his 300 men (1-8)

    • Gideon’s army defeats Midian (9-25)

      • “The sword of Jehovah and of Gideon!” (20)

      • Confusion in the Midianite camp (21, 22)

  • 8

    • Ephraimites quarrel with Gideon (1-3)

    • Midianite kings pursued and killed (4-21)

    • Gideon refuses kingship (22-27)

    • Summary of Gideon’s life (28-35)

  • 9

    • Abimelech becomes king in Shechem (1-6)

    • Jotham’s parable (7-21)

    • Abimelech’s violent rule (22-33)

    • Abimelech assaults Shechem (34-49)

    • Woman wounds Abimelech; he dies (50-57)

  • 10

    • Judges Tola and Jair (1-5)

    • Israel rebels and repents (6-16)

    • Ammonites threaten Israel (17, 18)

  • 11

    • Judge Jephthah expelled, later made leader (1-11)

    • Jephthah reasons with Ammon (12-28)

    • Jephthah’s vow and his daughter (29-40)

      • Daughter’s life of singleness (38-40)

  • 12

    • Conflict with the Ephraimites (1-7)

      • Shibboleth test (6)

    • Judges Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon (8-15)

  • 13

    • An angel visits Manoah and his wife (1-23)

    • Birth of Samson (24, 25)

  • 14

    • Judge Samson seeks a Philistine wife (1-4)

    • Samson kills a lion by Jehovah’s spirit (5-9)

    • Samson’s riddle at the wedding (10-19)

    • Samson’s wife given to another man (20)

  • 15

    • Samson’s revenge on the Philistines (1-20)

  • 16

    • Samson in Gaza (1-3)

    • Samson and Delilah (4-22)

    • Samson’s revenge and death (23-31)

  • 17

    • Micah’s idols and his priest (1-13)

  • 18

    • The Danites look for land (1-31)

      • Micah’s idols and priest captured (14-20)

      • Laish taken and renamed Dan (27-29)

      • Idol worship in Dan (30, 31)

  • 19

    • Benjaminites’ sex crime in Gibeah (1-30)

  • 20

    • War against the Benjaminites (1-48)

  • 21

    • Benjamin saved as a tribe (1-25)