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1 Samuel


Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Elkanah and his wives (1-8)

    • Childless Hannah prays for a son (9-18)

    • Samuel born and given to Jehovah (19-28)

  • 2

    • Hannah’s prayer (1-11)

    • Sins of Eli’s two sons (12-26)

    • Jehovah judges the house of Eli (27-36)

  • 3

    • Samuel called to be a prophet (1-21)

  • 4

    • Philistines capture the Ark (1-11)

    • Eli and his sons die (12-22)

  • 5

    • The Ark in Philistine territory (1-12)

      • Dagon humiliated (1-5)

      • Philistines scourged (6-12)

  • 6

    • Philistines return the Ark to Israel (1-21)

  • 7

    • The Ark in Kiriath-jearim (1)

    • Samuel urges: ‘Serve only Jehovah’ (2-6)

    • Israel’s victory at Mizpah (7-14)

    • Samuel judges Israel (15-17)

  • 8

    • Israel demands a king (1-9)

    • Samuel warns the people (10-18)

    • Jehovah grants the request for a king (19-22)

  • 9

    • Samuel meets with Saul (1-27)

  • 10

    • Saul anointed to be king (1-16)

    • Saul presented to the people (17-27)

  • 11

    • Saul defeats the Ammonites (1-11)

    • Saul’s kingship reconfirmed (12-15)

  • 12

    • Samuel’s farewell speech (1-25)

      • ‘Do not follow empty things’ (21)

      • Jehovah will not abandon his people (22)

  • 13

    • Saul selects an army (1-4)

    • Saul acts presumptuously (5-9)

    • Samuel reproves Saul (10-14)

    • Israel without weapons (15-23)

  • 14

    • Jonathan’s exploit at Michmash (1-14)

    • Israel’s enemies routed by God (15-23)

    • Saul’s rash oath (24-46)

      • People eat meat with the blood (32-34)

    • Saul’s wars; his family (47-52)

  • 15

    • Saul disobediently spares Agag (1-9)

    • Samuel reproves Saul (10-23)

      • “To obey is better than a sacrifice” (22)

    • Saul rejected as king (24-29)

    • Samuel kills Agag (30-35)

  • 16

    • Samuel anoints David as next king (1-13)

      • “Jehovah sees into the heart” (7)

    • God’s spirit removed from Saul (14-17)

    • David becomes harpist for Saul (18-23)

  • 17

    • David defeats Goliath (1-58)

      • Goliath taunts Israel (8-10)

      • David accepts the challenge (32-37)

      • David fights in Jehovah’s name (45-47)

  • 18

    • David and Jonathan’s friendship (1-4)

    • David’s victories make Saul jealous (5-9)

    • Saul attempts to kill David (10-19)

    • David marries Saul’s daughter Michal (20-30)

  • 19

    • Saul continues to hate David (1-13)

    • David escapes from Saul (14-24)

  • 20

    • Jonathan’s loyalty to David (1-42)

  • 21

    • David eats the showbread at Nob (1-9)

    • David feigns insanity in Gath (10-15)

  • 22

    • David at Adullam and Mizpeh (1-5)

    • Saul has the priests of Nob killed (6-19)

    • Abiathar escapes (20-23)

  • 23

    • David saves the city of Keilah (1-12)

    • Saul pursues David (13-15)

    • Jonathan strengthens David (16-18)

    • David narrowly escapes Saul (19-29)

  • 24

    • David spares Saul’s life (1-22)

      • David respects Jehovah’s anointed (6)

  • 25

    • Death of Samuel (1)

    • Nabal rejects David’s men (2-13)

    • Abigail’s wise action (14-35)

      • “Bag of life with Jehovah” (29)

    • Senseless Nabal struck by Jehovah (36-38)

    • Abigail becomes David’s wife (39-44)

  • 26

    • David again spares Saul’s life (1-25)

      • David respects Jehovah’s anointed (11)

  • 27

    • David given Ziklag by the Philistines (1-12)

  • 28

    • Saul visits a spirit medium at En-dor (1-25)

  • 29

    • Philistines mistrust David (1-11)

  • 30

    • Amalekites raid and burn Ziklag (1-6)

      • David draws strength from God (6)

    • David defeats the Amalekites (7-31)

      • Captives retaken by David (18, 19)

      • David’s regulation on spoil (23, 24)

  • 31

    • Deaths of Saul and three of his sons (1-13)