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Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Two ways contrasted

      • Happiness by reading God’s law (2)

      • Righteous are like a fruitful tree (3)

      • Wicked are like chaff blown away (4)

  • 2

    • Jehovah and his anointed

      • Jehovah laughs at the nations (4)

      • Jehovah installs his king (6)

      • Honor the son (12)

  • 3

    • Confidence in God despite danger

      • ‘Why so many adversaries?’ (1)

      • “Salvation belongs to Jehovah” (8)

  • 4

    • A prayer of trust in God

      • “Be agitated, but do not sin” (4)

      • ‘I will sleep in peace’ (8)

  • 5

    • Jehovah, the refuge of the righteous

      • God hates wickedness (4, 5)

      • ‘Lead me in your righteousness’ (8)

  • 6

    • A request for favor

      • The dead do not praise God (5)

      • God hears requests for favor (9)

  • 7

    • Jehovah is a righteous Judge

      • “Judge me, O Jehovah” (8)

  • 8

    • God’s glory and man’s dignity

      • “How majestic your name is!” (1, 9)

      • ‘Mortal man, of what importance?’ (4)

      • Man crowned with splendor (5)

  • 9

    • Declaring God’s wonderful works

      • Jehovah, a secure refuge (9)

      • To know God’s name is to trust in him (10)

  • 10

    • Jehovah, the helper of the helpless

      • The wicked boast: “There is no God” (4)

      • The helpless turn to Jehovah (14)

      • “Jehovah is King forever” (16)

  • 11

    • Taking refuge in Jehovah

      • “Jehovah is in his holy temple” (4)

      • God hates anyone loving violence (5)

  • 12

    • Jehovah rises up to act

      • God’s sayings are pure (6)

  • 13

    • Longing for Jehovah’s salvation

      • “How long, O Jehovah?” (1, 2)

      • Jehovah richly rewards (6)

  • 14

    • The foolish one portrayed

      • “There is no Jehovah” (1)

      • “No one is doing good” (3)

  • 15

    • Who may be a guest in Jehovah’s tent?

      • He speaks the truth in his heart (2)

      • He does not slander (3)

      • He keeps promises even when it hurts (4)

  • 16

    • Jehovah, the Source of goodness

      • “Jehovah is my portion” (5)

      • ‘My thoughts correct me at night’ (7)

      • ‘Jehovah at my right hand’ (8)

      • “You will not leave me in the Grave” (10)

  • 17

    • A prayer for protection

      • “You have examined my heart” (3)

      • “In the shadow of your wings” (8)

  • 18

    • Praising God for salvation

      • “Jehovah is my crag” (2)

      • Jehovah, loyal to the loyal ones (25)

      • God’s way is perfect (30)

      • “Your humility makes me great” (35)

  • 19

    • God’s creation and law bear witness

      • ‘Heavens declare God’s glory’ (1)

      • God’s perfect law restores strength (7)

      • “Sins I am unaware of” (12)

  • 20

    • Salvation for God’s anointed king

      • Some rely on chariots and horses, ‘but we call on Jehovah’s name’ (7)

  • 21

    • Blessings on the king who trusts in Jehovah

      • Long life given to the king (4)

      • God’s enemies will be defeated (8-12)

  • 22

    • From despair to praise

      • “My God, why have you forsaken me?” (1)

      • “They cast lots for my clothing” (18)

      • Praising God in the congregation (22, 25)

      • The whole earth to worship God (27)

  • 23

    • “Jehovah is my Shepherd”

      • “I will lack nothing” (1)

      • “He refreshes me” (3)

      • “My cup is well-filled” (5)

  • 24

    • The glorious King enters the gates

      • ‘To Jehovah belongs the earth’ (1)

  • 25

    • A prayer for guidance and forgiveness

      • “Teach me your paths” (4)

      • “Close friendship with Jehovah” (14)

      • “Pardon all my sins” (18)

  • 26

    • Walking in integrity

      • “Examine me, O Jehovah” (2)

      • Avoiding bad association (4, 5)

      • ‘I will march around God’s altar’ (6)

  • 27

    • Jehovah, the stronghold of my life

      • Appreciation for God’s temple (4)

      • Jehovah cares even if parents do not (10)

      • “Hope in Jehovah” (14)

  • 28

    • The psalmist’s prayer heard

      • ‘Jehovah, my strength and shield’ (7)

  • 29

    • Jehovah’s mighty voice

      • Worship in holy adornment (2)

      • “The glorious God thunders” (3)

      • Jehovah strengthens his people (11)

  • 30

    • Mourning changed into rejoicing

      • God’s favor is for a lifetime (5)

  • 31

    • Taking refuge in Jehovah

      • “Into your hand I entrust my spirit” (5)

      • “Jehovah, the God of truth” (5)

      • God’s abundant goodness (19)

  • 32

    • Happy are the ones forgiven

      • “I confessed my sin to you” (5)

      • God gives you insight (8)

  • 33

    • Praise to the Creator

      • “Sing to him a new song” (3)

      • Creation by Jehovah’s word and spirit (6)

      • Jehovah’s nation happy (12)

      • Jehovah’s watchful eye (18)

  • 34

    • Jehovah rescues his servants

      • “Let us exalt his name together” (3)

      • Jehovah’s angel protects (7)

      • “Taste and see that Jehovah is good” (8)

      • ‘None of his bones broken’ (20)

  • 35

    • Prayer for deliverance from enemies

      • Enemies to be driven away (5)

      • Praising God among the throngs (18)

      • Hated without cause (19)

  • 36

    • God’s precious loyal love

      • The wicked one does not fear God (1)

      • God, the source of life (9)

      • “By your light we can see light” (9)

  • 37

    • Those trusting in Jehovah will prosper

      • Do not be upset by evil men (1)

      • “Find exquisite delight in Jehovah” (4)

      • “Commit your way to Jehovah” (5)

      • “The meek will possess the earth” (11)

      • The righteous will not lack bread (25)

      • The righteous will live forever on earth (29)

  • 38

    • A prayer of a suffering repentant one

      • “Distressed and extremely downcast” (6)

      • Jehovah hears those waiting on him (15)

      • “I was troubled by my sin” (18)

  • 39

    • Life’s shortness

      • Man is a mere breath (5, 11)

      • “Do not ignore my tears” (12)

  • 40

    • Giving thanks to the incomparable God

      • God’s works too numerous to recount (5)

      • Sacrifices not God’s primary concern (6)

      • ‘To do your will is my delight’ (8)

  • 41

    • A prayer from the sickbed

      • God sustains the sick (3)

      • Betrayed by a close associate (9)

  • 42

    • Praising God as the Grand Savior

      • Thirsting for God as a deer thirsts for water (1, 2)

      • “Why am I in despair?” (5, 11)

      • “Wait for God” (5, 11)

  • 43

    • God as Judge rescues

      • ‘Send out your light and truth’ (3)

      • “Why am I in despair?” (5)

      • “Wait for God” (5)

  • 44

    • A prayer for help

      • “It was you who saved us” (7)

      • Like “sheep for slaughtering” (22)

      • “Rise up as our helper!” (26)

  • 45

    • The anointed king’s marriage

      • Gracious in speech (2)

      • “God is your throne forever” (6)

      • The king longs for the bride’s beauty (11)

      • Sons as princes in all the earth (16)

  • 46

    • “God is our refuge”

      • God’s astonishing works (8)

      • God ends wars in all the earth (9)

  • 47

    • God the King over all the earth

      • ‘Jehovah is awe-inspiring’ (2)

      • Sing praises to God (6, 7)

  • 48

    • Zion, the city of the Grand King

      • The joy of the whole earth (2)

      • Inspect the city and its towers (11-13)

  • 49

    • Folly of trusting in riches

      • No human can redeem another (7, 8)

      • God redeems from the Grave (15)

      • Riches cannot save from death (16, 17)

  • 50

    • God judges between the loyal and the wicked

      • God’s covenant over sacrifice (5)

      • “God himself is Judge” (6)

      • All animals belong to God (10, 11)

      • God exposes wicked ones (16-21)

  • 51

    • A prayer of a repentant one

      • Sinful from conception (5)

      • “Purify me from my sin” (7)

      • “Create in me a pure heart” (10)

      • A crushed heart pleases God (17)

  • 52

    • Trusting in God’s loyal love

      • Boasters in badness warned (1-5)

      • Ungodly ones trust in riches (7)

  • 53

    • The foolish ones portrayed

      • “There is no Jehovah” (1)

      • “No one is doing good” (3)

  • 54

    • A prayer for help when among foes

      • “God is my helper” (4)

  • 55

    • A prayer when betrayed by a friend

      • Taunted by a close friend (12-14)

      • “Throw your burden on Jehovah” (22)

  • 56

    • A prayer when persecuted

      • “In God I put my trust” (4)

      • “My tears in your skin bottle” (8)

      • “What can a mere human do to me?” (4, 11)

  • 57

    • A request for favor

      • Refuge under God’s wings (1)

      • Enemies fall into their own snare (6)

  • 58

    • There is a God who judges the earth

      • Prayer to punish the wicked (6-8)

  • 59

    • God, a shield and a refuge

      • ‘Do not show mercy to traitors’ (5)

      • “I will sing about your strength” (16)

  • 60

    • God subdues the enemies

      • Salvation by humans worthless (11)

      • “By God we will gain power” (12)

  • 61

    • God, a strong tower against enemies

      • “I will be a guest in your tent” (4)

  • 62

    • True salvation comes from God

      • “I wait silently for God” (1, 5)

      • ‘Pour out your hearts before God’ (8)

      • Humans a mere breath (9)

      • Do not trust in wealth (10)

  • 63

    • Longing for God

      • “Your loyal love is better than life” (3)

      • “Satisfied with the best” (5)

      • Meditating on God during the night (6)

      • ‘I cling to God’ (8)

  • 64

    • Protection from concealed attacks

      • “God will shoot at them” (7)

  • 65

    • God’s care for the earth

      • “Hearer of prayer” (2)

      • ‘Happy is the one you choose’ (4)

      • God’s abundant goodness (11)

  • 66

    • God’s awe-inspiring works

      • ‘Come and see God’s works’ (5)

      • “I will pay my vows to you” (13)

      • God hears prayer (18-20)

  • 67

    • The ends of the earth will fear God

      • God’s way to be known (2)

      • ‘Let all the peoples praise God’ (3, 5)

      • “God will bless us” (6, 7)

  • 68

    • ‘Let God’s enemies be scattered’

      • “A father of the fatherless” (5)

      • God gives the lonely a home (6)

      • Women proclaim the good news (11)

      • Gifts in the form of men (18)

      • ‘Jehovah daily carries our load’ (19)

  • 69

    • A prayer for rescue

      • “Zeal for your house has consumed me” (9)

      • “Answer me quickly” (17)

      • “They gave me vinegar to drink” (21)

  • 70

    • Urgent help requested

      • “Act quickly in my behalf” (5)

  • 71

    • The confidence of old ones

      • Trusting in God since youth (5)

      • “When my strength fails” (9)

      • ‘God has taught me from youth’ (17)

  • 72

    • The peaceful rule of God’s king

      • “The righteous will flourish” (7)

      • Subjects from sea to sea (8)

      • Rescue from violence (14)

      • An abundance of grain on earth (16)

      • God’s name is praised forever (19)

  • 73

    • A godly man regains spiritual perspective

      • “My feet had almost strayed” (2)

      • “I was troubled all day long” (14)

      • ‘Until I entered God’s sanctuary’ (17)

      • Wicked ones on slippery ground (18)

      • Drawing near to God is good (28)

  • 74

    • A prayer that God remember his people

      • God’s saving acts recalled (12-17)

      • “Remember the enemy’s taunts” (18)

  • 75

    • God judges with fairness

      • The wicked to drink Jehovah’s cup (8)

  • 76

    • God’s triumph over Zion’s enemies

      • God saves the meek (9)

      • Proud enemies to be humbled (12)

  • 77

    • A prayer in a time of distress

      • Meditating on God’s works (11, 12)

      • ‘Who is as great as you, O God?’ (13)

  • 78

    • God’s care and Israel’s lack of faith

      • Tell the future generation (2-8)

      • “They did not put faith in God” (22)

      • “The grain of heaven” (24)

      • “They grieved the Holy One of Israel” (41)

      • From Egypt to the Promised Land (43-55)

      • “They kept challenging God” (56)

  • 79

    • A prayer when nations invaded God’s people

      • ‘We are an object of reproach’ (4)

      • ‘Help us for your name’s sake’ (9)

      • “Repay our neighbors sevenfold” (12)

  • 80

    • Israel’s Shepherd sought for restoration

      • “O God, restore us” (3)

      • Israel as God’s vine (8-15)

  • 81

    • An exhortation to obey

      • Do not worship foreign gods (9)

      • ‘If only you would listen’ (13)

  • 82

    • A call for righteous judgment

      • God judges among “the gods” (1)

      • “Defend the lowly” (3)

      • “You are gods” (6)

  • 83

    • A prayer when facing enemies

      • “O God, do not be silent” (1)

      • Enemies like a whirling thistle (13)

      • God’s name is Jehovah (18)

  • 84

    • Yearning for God’s grand tabernacle

      • A Levite’s longing to be like a bird (3)

      • “A day in your courtyards” (10)

      • “God is a sun and a shield” (11)

  • 85

    • A prayer for restoration

      • God will speak peace to loyal ones (8)

      • Loyal love and faithfulness to meet (10)

  • 86

    • No god like Jehovah

      • Jehovah ready to forgive (5)

      • All nations to worship Jehovah (9)

      • ‘Instruct me about your way’ (11)

      • “Unify my heart” (11)

  • 87

    • Zion, the city of the true God

      • Those born in Zion (4-6)

  • 88

    • A prayer to be kept from death

      • “My life is on the brink of the Grave” (3)

      • ‘Each morning I pray to you’ (13)

  • 89

    • Singing about Jehovah’s loyal love

      • A covenant with David (3)

      • David’s offspring to last forever (4)

      • God’s anointed calls Him “Father” (26)

      • Davidic covenant sure (34-37)

      • Man cannot escape the Grave (48)

  • 90

    • Eternal God and short-lived man

      • A thousand years as yesterday (4)

      • Man lives 70-80 years (10)

      • “Teach us how to count our days” (12)

  • 91

    • Protection in God’s secret place

      • Rescued from the birdcatcher (3)

      • Refuge under God’s wings (4)

      • Safe although thousands fall (7)

      • Angels commanded to guard (11)

  • 92

    • Jehovah exalted forever

      • His great works and deep thoughts (5)

      • ‘The righteous will flourish like a tree’ (12)

      • Elderly will continue to thrive (14)

  • 93

    • Jehovah’s majestic rulership

      • “Jehovah has become King!” (1)

      • ‘Your reminders are trustworthy’ (5)

  • 94

    • A prayer for vengeance by God

      • “How long will the wicked continue?” (3)

      • Jah’s correction brings happiness (12)

      • God will not forsake his people (14)

      • “Framing trouble in the name of the law” (20)

  • 95

    • True worship coupled with obedience

      • “Today if you listen to his voice” (7)

      • “Do not harden your heart” (8)

      • “They will not enter into my rest” (11)

  • 96

    • “Sing to Jehovah a new song”

      • Jehovah, most worthy of praise (4)

      • Peoples’ gods are worthless (5)

      • Worship in holy adornment (9)

  • 97

    • Jehovah exalted above other gods

      • “Jehovah has become King!” (1)

      • Love Jehovah, hate what is bad (10)

      • Light for the righteous (11)

  • 98

    • Jehovah, Savior and righteous Judge

      • Jehovah’s salvation made known (2, 3)

  • 99

    • Jehovah, the holy King

      • Enthroned above the cherubs (1)

      • A God who pardons and punishes (8)

  • 100

    • Giving thanks to the Creator

      • “Serve Jehovah with rejoicing” (2)

      • ‘It is God who made us’ (3)

  • 101

    • A ruler acting with integrity

      • ‘I will not tolerate haughtiness’ (5)

      • “I will look to the faithful ones” (6)

  • 102

    • A prayer of an oppressed one in despair

      • “I am like a solitary bird” (7)

      • ‘My days are a fading shadow’ (11)

      • “Jehovah will rebuild Zion” (16)

      • Jehovah remains forever (26, 27)

  • 103

    • “Let me praise Jehovah”

      • God puts our sins far away (12)

      • God’s fatherly mercy (13)

      • God remembers that we are dust (14)

      • Jehovah’s throne and kingship (19)

      • Angels carry out God’s word (20)

  • 104

    • Praising God for the wonders of creation

      • Earth to remain forever (5)

      • Wine and bread for mortal man (15)

      • “How many your works are!” (24)

      • ‘When spirit is taken away, they die’ (29)

  • 105

    • Jehovah’s faithful acts toward his people

      • God remembers his covenant (8-10)

      • “Do not touch my anointed ones” (15)

      • Enslaved Joseph used by God (17-22)

      • God’s miracles in Egypt (23-36)

      • Israel’s Exodus from Egypt (37-39)

      • God remembers Abrahamic promise (42)

  • 106

    • Israel’s lack of appreciation

      • They quickly forgot God’s acts (13)

      • God’s glory exchanged for image of a bull (19, 20)

      • They had no faith in God’s promise (24)

      • They joined in worship of Baal (28)

      • Children sacrificed to demons (37)

  • 107

    • Give thanks to God for his wonderful works

      • He led them in the right way (7)

      • He satisfied the thirsty and the hungry (9)

      • He brought them out of darkness (14)

      • He sent his word to heal them (20)

      • He protects the poor from oppression (41)

  • 108

    • A prayer for victory over enemies

      • Salvation by humans worthless (12)

      • “By God we will gain power” (13)

  • 109

    • A prayer of a distressed man

      • ‘Let another take his position’ (8)

      • God stands at a poor man’s side (31)

  • 110

    • A king and priest like Melchizedek

      • ‘Rule in the midst of your enemies’ (2)

      • Willing young ones like dewdrops (3)

  • 111

    • Praise Jehovah for his great works

      • God’s name holy and awe-inspiring (9)

      • Fear of Jehovah is wisdom (10)

  • 112

    • A righteous man fears Jehovah

      • A generous lender will prosper (5)

      • “The righteous will be remembered forever” (6)

      • The generous gives to the poor (9)

  • 113

    • God on high raises the lowly

      • Jehovah’s name praised forever (2)

      • God stoops down (6)

  • 114

    • Israel’s deliverance out of Egypt

      • The sea fled (5)

      • Mountains skipped like rams (6)

      • Flinty rock turned into a spring (8)

  • 115

    • Glory to be given to God alone

      • Lifeless idols (4-8)

      • The earth given to humans (16)

      • “The dead do not praise Jah” (17)

  • 116

    • A song of gratitude

      • “With what will I repay Jehovah?” (12)

      • “I will take up the cup of salvation” (13)

      • “I will pay my vows to Jehovah” (14, 18)

      • Costly is the death of loyal ones (15)

  • 117

    • A call to all nations to praise Jehovah

      • God’s loyal love is great (2)

  • 118

    • Giving thanks for Jehovah’s victory

      • ‘I called on Jah, and he answered’ (5)

      • “Jehovah is on my side” (6, 7)

      • Rejected stone to be the chief cornerstone (22)

      • ‘The one coming in Jehovah’s name’ (26)

  • 119

    • Appreciation for God’s precious word

      • ‘How can youths keep a clean path?’ (9)

      • “I am fond of your reminders” (24)

      • “Your word is my hope” (74, 81, 114)

      • “How I do love your law!” (97)

      • “More insight than all my teachers” (99)

      • “Your word is a lamp to my foot” (105)

      • ‘The essence of your word is truth’ (160)

      • Peace for those who love God’s law (165)

  • 120

    • A foreigner’s longing for peace

      • ‘Rescue me from a deceitful tongue’ (2)

      • “I am for peace” (7)

  • 121

    • Jehovah guards his people

      • “My help comes from Jehovah” (2)

      • Jehovah never sleeps (3, 4)

  • 122

    • A prayer for the peace of Jerusalem

      • The joy of going to Jehovah’s house (1)

      • A city joined together as one (3)

  • 123

    • Looking to Jehovah for favor

      • ‘Like servants, we look to Jehovah’ (2)

      • ‘We have had our full share of contempt’ (3)

  • 124

    • “If Jehovah had not been with us”

      • Escape from the broken trap (7)

      • ‘Jehovah’s name is our help’ (8)

  • 125

    • Jehovah protects his people

      • “As mountains surround Jerusalem” (2)

      • “May there be peace upon Israel” (5)

  • 126

    • Zion’s joyful restoration

      • “Jehovah has done great things” (3)

      • From weeping to exultation (5, 6)

  • 127

    • Without God, everything in vain

      • “Unless Jehovah builds the house” (1)

      • Children, a reward from God (3)

  • 128

    • Happiness in fearing Jehovah

      • A wife like a fruitful vine (3)

      • “May you see Jerusalem prosper” (5)

  • 129

    • Attacked but not defeated

      • Zion’s haters put to shame (5)

  • 130

    • “From the depths I call to you”

      • ‘If you were to watch errors’ (3)

      • True forgiveness with Jehovah (4)

      • “I eagerly wait for Jehovah” (6)

  • 131

    • Contented like a weaned child

      • Not aspiring for things too great (1)

  • 132

    • David and Zion chosen

      • “Do not reject your anointed one” (10)

      • Zion’s priests clothed with salvation (16)

  • 133

    • Dwelling together in unity

      • Like oil on Aaron’s head (2)

      • Like the dew of Hermon (3)

  • 134

    • Praising God during the nights

      • “Raise your hands in holiness” (2)

  • 135

    • Praise Jah for his greatness

      • Signs and miracles against Egypt (8, 9)

      • “Your name endures forever” (13)

      • Lifeless idols (15-18)

  • 136

    • Jehovah’s loyal love endures forever

      • Heaven and earth skillfully made (5, 6)

      • Pharaoh died in the Red Sea (15)

      • God remembers the depressed (23)

      • Food to every living thing (25)

  • 137

    • By the rivers of Babylon

      • No songs of Zion sung (3, 4)

      • Babylon to be devastated (8)

  • 138

    • Though exalted, God is caring

      • ‘You answered my prayer’ (3)

      • ‘Even amid danger, you rescue me’ (7)

  • 139

    • God knows his servants well

      • No escape from God’s spirit (7)

      • “I am wonderfully made” (14)

      • ‘You saw me as an embryo’ (16)

      • “Lead me in the way of eternity” (24)

  • 140

    • Jehovah, the strong Savior

      • Evil men are like serpents (3)

      • Violent men to fall (11)

  • 141

    • A prayer for protection

      • “May my prayer be as incense” (2)

      • The righteous one’s reproof like oil (5)

      • The wicked fall into their own nets (10)

  • 142

    • A prayer for rescue from persecutors

      • “There is nowhere I can flee” (4)

      • ‘You are all I have’ (5)

  • 143

    • Thirsting for God like a parched land

      • ‘I ponder over your works’ (5)

      • “Teach me to do your will” (10)

      • ‘May your good spirit lead me’ (10)

  • 144

    • A prayer for victory

      • ‘What is a mortal man?’ (3)

      • ‘May the enemies be scattered’ (6)

      • Happy are Jehovah’s people (15)

  • 145

    • Praising God, the great King

      • ‘I will declare God’s greatness’ (6)

      • “Jehovah is good to all” (9)

      • “Your loyal ones will praise you” (10)

      • God’s eternal kingship (13)

      • God’s hand satisfies all (16)

  • 146

    • Trust in God, not in men

      • At death, man’s thoughts perish (4)

      • God raises up those bent down (8)

  • 147

    • Praising God’s loving and powerful works

      • He heals the brokenhearted (3)

      • He calls all the stars by name (4)

      • He sends snow like wool (16)

  • 148

    • All creation to praise Jehovah

      • “Praise him, all his angels” (2)

      • ‘Praise him, sun, moon, and stars’ (3)

      • Young and old to praise God (12, 13)

  • 149

    • A song in praise of God’s victory

      • God takes pleasure in his people (4)

      • Honor belongs to God’s loyal ones (9)

  • 150

    • Let every breathing thing praise Jah

      • Hallelujah! (1, 6)