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Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Purpose of the proverbs (1-7)

    • Dangers of bad association (8-19)

    • True wisdom cries out publicly (20-33)

  • 2

    • The value of wisdom (1-22)

      • Seek wisdom as for hidden treasures (4)

      • Thinking ability, a protection (11)

      • Immorality brings disaster (16-19)

  • 3

    • Be wise and trust in Jehovah (1-12)

      • Honor Jehovah with valuable things (9)

    • Wisdom brings happiness (13-18)

    • Wisdom brings security (19-26)

    • Proper conduct toward others (27-35)

      • Do good to others when possible (27)

  • 4

    • A father’s wise instruction (1-27)

      • Above all, acquire wisdom (7)

      • Shun wicked paths (14, 15)

      • Path of righteous gets brighter (18)

      • “Safeguard your heart” (23)

  • 5

    • Warning against immoral women (1-14)

    • Rejoice with your wife (15-23)

  • 6

    • Beware of guaranteeing a loan (1-5)

    • “Go to the ant, you lazy one” (6-11)

    • A useless and wicked man (12-15)

    • Seven things Jehovah hates (16-19)

    • Guard against a bad woman (20-35)

  • 7

    • Embrace God’s commands and live (1-5)

    • A naive young man seduced (6-27)

      • “Like a bull to the slaughter” (22)

  • 8

    • Wisdom personified speaks (1-36)

      • ‘I am the earliest of God’s works’ (22)

      • ‘As a master worker at God’s side’ (30)

      • ‘I was fond of the sons of men’ (31)

  • 9

    • True wisdom invites (1-12)

      • “By me your days will be many” (11)

    • A stupid woman invites (13-18)

      • “Stolen waters are sweet” (17)

  • PROVERBS OF SOLOMON (10:1–24:34)

    • 10

      • A wise son makes his father rejoice (1)

      • Diligent hands bring riches (4)

      • Use of many words brings transgression (19)

      • Jehovah’s blessing makes rich (22)

      • The fear of Jehovah prolongs life (27)

    • 11

      • Wisdom is with the modest ones (2)

      • The apostate brings others to ruin (9)

      • “Success through many advisers” (14)

      • The generous person will prosper (25)

      • One trusting in his riches will fall (28)

    • 12

      • One who hates reproof has no sense (1)

      • “Thoughtless speech is like the stabs of a sword” (18)

      • Promoting peace brings joy (20)

      • Lying lips detestable to Jehovah (22)

      • Anxiety weighs the heart down (25)

    • 13

      • Those who seek advice are wise (10)

      • Hope delayed makes the heart sick (12)

      • A faithful envoy brings healing (17)

      • Walking with the wise makes one wise (20)

      • Discipline, an expression of love (24)

    • 14

      • The heart knows its own bitterness (10)

      • A way that seems right may bring death (12)

      • The naive believe every word (15)

      • Many are the friends of the rich (20)

      • A calm heart gives the body life (30)

    • 15

      • A mild answer turns away rage (1)

      • Jehovah’s eyes are everywhere (3)

      • Upright one’s prayer pleases God (8)

      • Plans fail without consultation (22)

      • Meditate before answering (28)

    • 16

      • Jehovah examines the motives (2)

      • Commit your works to Jehovah (3)

      • Honest scales are from Jehovah (11)

      • Pride is before a crash (18)

      • Gray hair, a crown of beauty (31)

    • 17

      • Do not repay bad for good (13)

      • Leave before the quarrel starts (14)

      • A true friend loves at all times (17)

      • “A joyful heart is good medicine” (22)

      • A discerning man restrains his words (27)

    • 18

      • Isolating oneself is selfish and unwise (1)

      • Jehovah’s name a strong tower (10)

      • Wealth is only an imaginary protection (11)

      • Wisdom of listening to both sides (17)

      • A friend sticks closer than a brother (24)

    • 19

      • Insight slows down one’s anger (11)

      • A quarrelsome wife is like a leaking roof (13)

      • A discreet wife is from Jehovah (14)

      • Discipline a child while there is hope (18)

      • Wisdom of listening to counsel (20)

    • 20

      • Wine is a ridiculer (1)

      • The lazy do not plow in winter (4)

      • A man’s thoughts like deep waters (5)

      • Warning against vowing hastily (25)

      • Young men’s glory their strength (29)

    • 21

      • Jehovah directs a king’s heart (1)

      • Justice better than sacrifice (3)

      • Diligence leads to success (5)

      • One not listening to the lowly will not be heard (13)

      • No wisdom in opposition to Jehovah (30)

    • 22

      • A good name better than great wealth (1)

      • Early training will last a lifetime (6)

      • The lazy one fears the lion outside (13)

      • Discipline removes foolishness (15)

      • A skillful worker serves kings (29)

    • 23

      • Be discreet in accepting hospitality (2)

      • Do not pursue riches (4)

      • Wealth can fly away from you (5)

      • Do not be among heavy drinkers (20)

      • Alcohol will bite like a serpent (32)

    • 24

      • Do not envy evil men (1)

      • By wisdom a house is built up (3)

      • Righteous man may fall but will get up (16)

      • Do not retaliate (29)

      • Slumbering brings poverty (33, 34)


    • 25

      • Confidentiality (9)

      • Well-chosen words (11)

      • Respecting privacy (17)

      • Heaping coals on an enemy’s head (21, 22)

      • A good report is like cold water (25)

    • 26

      • Lazy ones described (13-16)

      • Stay out of another’s quarrel (17)

      • Avoid practical jokes (18, 19)

      • No wood, no fire (20, 21)

      • A slanderer’s words are like tasty morsels (22)

    • 27

      • Reproof from a friend beneficial (5, 6)

      • My son, make my heart rejoice (11)

      • Iron sharpens iron (17)

      • Know your flock (23)

      • Wealth does not last forever (24)

    • 28

      • Prayer of the unresponsive one is detestable (9)

      • Mercy shown to the one confessing (13)

      • No quick riches without guilt (20)

      • Reproof better than flattery (23)

      • A generous one lacks nothing (27)

    • 29

      • Unrestrained child brings shame (15)

      • Without a vision, people go wild (18)

      • An angry man stirs up strife (22)

      • A humble man obtains glory (23)

      • Fear of men is a snare (25)

  • 30

    • WORDS OF AGUR (1-33)

      • Give me neither poverty nor riches (8)

      • Things that never get satisfied (15, 16)

      • Things that leave no trace (18, 19)

      • An adulterous woman (20)

      • Animals instinctively wise (24)

  • 31


      • Who can find a capable wife? (10)

      • Industrious and hardworking (17)

      • Kindness is on her tongue (26)

      • Children and husband praise her (28)

      • Charm and beauty fleeting (30)