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Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • A father and his rebellious sons (1-9)

    • Jehovah hates formalistic worship (10-17)

    • “Let us set matters straight” (18-20)

    • Zion to be restored as a faithful city (21-31)

  • 2

    • Jehovah’s mountain elevated (1-5)

      • Swords into plowshares (4)

    • Jehovah’s day humiliates the haughty (6-22)

  • 3

    • Judah’s leaders mislead the people (1-15)

    • Zion’s flirtatious daughters judged (16-26)

  • 4

    • Seven women to one man (1)

    • What Jehovah makes sprout will be glorious (2-6)

  • 5

    • Song about Jehovah’s vineyard (1-7)

    • Woes over Jehovah’s vineyard (8-24)

    • God’s anger against his people (25-30)

  • 6

    • Vision of Jehovah in his temple (1-4)

      • “Holy, holy, holy is Jehovah” (3)

    • Isaiah’s lips cleansed (5-7)

    • Isaiah commissioned (8-10)

      • “Here I am! Send me!” (8)

    • “How long, O Jehovah?” (11-13)

  • 7

    • Message to King Ahaz (1-9)

      • Shear-jashub (3)

    • Sign of Immanuel (10-17)

    • Consequences of unfaithfulness (18-25)

  • 8

    • The coming Assyrian invasion (1-8)

      • Maher-shalal-hash-baz (1-4)

    • Do not fear—“God is with us!” (9-17)

    • Isaiah and his children as signs (18)

    • Turn to the law, not to demons (19-22)

  • 9

    • A great light for the land of Galilee (1-7)

      • Birth of the “Prince of Peace” (6, 7)

    • God’s hand against Israel (8-21)

  • 10

    • God’s hand against Israel (1-4)

    • Assyria—​God’s rod of anger (5-11)

    • Punishment on Assyria (12-19)

    • A remnant of Jacob to return (20-27)

    • God will judge Assyria (28-34)

  • 11

    • Righteous rule of the twig of Jesse (1-10)

      • Wolf and lamb reside together (6)

      • Knowledge of Jehovah to fill the earth (9)

    • A remnant restored (11-16)

  • 12

    • Song of thanksgiving (1-6)

      • “Jah Jehovah is my strength” (2)

  • 13

    • Pronouncement against Babylon (1-22)

      • The day of Jehovah is near! (6)

      • Medes to overthrow Babylon (17)

      • Babylon never to be inhabited (20)

  • 14

    • Israel to dwell in its own land (1, 2)

    • Taunt against the king of Babylon (3-23)

      • Shining one to fall from heaven (12)

    • Jehovah’s hand to crush the Assyrian (24-27)

    • Pronouncement against Philistia (28-32)

  • 15

    • Pronouncement against Moab (1-9)

  • 16

    • Message against Moab continued (1-14)

  • 17

    • Pronouncement against Damascus (1-11)

    • Nations to be rebuked by Jehovah (12-14)

  • 18

    • Message against Ethiopia (1-7)

  • 19

    • Pronouncement against Egypt (1-15)

    • Egypt will get to know Jehovah (16-25)

      • An altar to Jehovah in Egypt (19)

  • 20

    • Sign against Egypt and Ethiopia (1-6)

  • 21

    • Pronouncement against the wilderness of the sea (1-10)

      • Keeping watch from the watchtower (8)

      • “Babylon has fallen!” (9)

    • Pronouncement against Dumah and the desert plain (11-17)

      • “Watchman, what of the night?” (11)

  • 22

    • Pronouncement about the Valley of Vision (1-14)

    • Steward Shebna replaced by Eliakim (15-25)

  • 23

    • Pronouncement against Tyre (1-18)

  • 24

    • Jehovah to empty the land (1-23)

      • Jehovah King in Zion (23)

  • 25

    • Rich blessings on God’s people (1-12)

      • Jehovah’s banquet of fine wine (6)

      • No more death (8)

  • 26

    • Song about trust and salvation (1-21)

      • Jah Jehovah, the eternal Rock (4)

      • Earth’s people to learn righteousness (9)

      • “Your dead will live” (19)

      • Enter the inner rooms and hide (20)

  • 27

    • Leviathan killed by Jehovah (1)

    • Song about Israel as a vineyard (2-13)

  • 28

    • Woe to Ephraim’s drunkards! (1-6)

    • Judah’s priests and prophets stagger (7-13)

    • “A covenant with Death” (14-22)

      • Precious cornerstone in Zion (16)

      • Jehovah’s unusual work (21)

    • Jehovah’s wise discipline illustrated (23-29)

  • 29

    • Woe to Ariel! (1-16)

      • Lip service condemned (13)

    • Deaf will hear; and blind will see (17-24)

  • 30

    • Egypt’s help completely useless (1-7)

    • People reject the prophetic message (8-14)

    • Strength by showing trust (15-17)

    • Jehovah shows his people favor (18-26)

      • Jehovah, the Grand Instructor (20)

      • “This is the way” (21)

    • Jehovah to execute judgment on Assyria (27-33)

  • 31

    • True help is from God, not from humans (1-9)

      • Egypt’s horses are flesh (3)

  • 32

    • A king and princes will rule for true justice (1-8)

    • Complacent women warned (9-14)

    • Blessings when spirit poured out (15-20)

  • 33

    • Judgment and hope for the righteous (1-24)

      • Jehovah is Judge, Lawgiver, and King (22)

      • No one will say: “I am sick” (24)

  • 34

    • Jehovah’s vengeance on the nations (1-4)

    • Edom to be desolated (5-17)

  • 35

    • Paradise restored (1-7)

      • Blind will see; deaf will hear (5)

    • Way of Holiness for redeemed ones (8-10)

  • 36

    • Sennacherib invades Judah (1-3)

    • The Rabshakeh taunts Jehovah (4-22)

  • 37

    • Hezekiah seeks God’s help through Isaiah (1-7)

    • Sennacherib threatens Jerusalem (8-13)

    • Hezekiah’s prayer (14-20)

    • Isaiah conveys God’s answer (21-35)

    • An angel slays 185,000 Assyrians (36-38)

  • 38

    • Hezekiah’s sickness and recovery (1-22)

      • Song of gratitude (10-20)

  • 39

    • Messengers from Babylon (1-8)

  • 40

    • Comfort for God’s people (1-11)

      • A voice in the wilderness (3-5)

    • God’s greatness (12-31)

      • Nations like a drop from a bucket (15)

      • God dwells above “the circle of the earth” (22)

      • All stars called by name (26)

      • God never tires out (28)

      • Hoping in Jehovah gives new strength (29-31)

  • 41

    • A conqueror from the sunrise (1-7)

    • Israel chosen as God’s servant (8-20)

      • “Abraham my friend” (8)

    • Other gods challenged (21-29)

  • 42

    • God’s servant and his mission (1-9)

      • ‘Jehovah is my name’ (8)

    • A new song of praise to Jehovah (10-17)

    • Israel is blind and deaf (18-25)

  • 43

    • Jehovah regathers his people (1-7)

    • The gods on trial (8-13)

      • “You are my witnesses” (10, 12)

    • Release from Babylon (14-21)

    • “Let us bring our case against each other” (22-28)

  • 44

    • Blessings on God’s chosen people (1-5)

    • There is no God but Jehovah (6-8)

    • Absurdity of man-made idols (9-20)

    • Jehovah, Israel’s Repurchaser (21-23)

    • Restoration through Cyrus (24-28)

  • 45

    • Cyrus anointed to capture Babylon (1-8)

    • The clay not to contend with the Potter (9-13)

    • Other nations recognize Israel (14-17)

    • God is reliable in creation and in revelation (18-25)

      • Earth created to be inhabited (18)

  • 46

    • Babylonian idols versus Israel’s God (1-13)

      • Jehovah foretells the future (10)

      • A bird of prey from the sunrise (11)

  • 47

    • Fall of Babylon (1-15)

      • Astrologers exposed (13-15)

  • 48

    • Israel rebuked and purified (1-11)

    • Jehovah to act against Babylon (12-16a)

    • God’s teaching beneficial (16b-19)

    • “Go out from Babylon!” (20-22)

  • 49

    • Assignment of Jehovah’s servant (1-12)

      • A light of nations (6)

    • Comfort for Israel (13-26)

  • 50

    • Israel’s sins cause problems (1-3)

    • Jehovah’s obedient servant (4-11)

      • Tongue and ear of taught ones (4)

  • 51

    • Zion restored like the garden of Eden (1-8)

    • Comfort from Zion’s mighty Maker (9-16)

    • Cup of Jehovah’s wrath (17-23)

  • 52

    • Awake, O Zion! (1-12)

      • Beautiful feet of those bringing good news (7)

      • Zion’s watchmen shout in unison (8)

      • Those carrying Jehovah’s utensils must be clean (11)

    • Jehovah’s servant will be exalted (13-15)

      • A disfigured appearance (14)

  • 53

    • The suffering, death, and burial of Jehovah’s servant (1-12)

      • Despised and avoided (3)

      • Carries sicknesses and pains (4)

      • “Like a sheep to the slaughter” (7)

      • Sin of many carried by him (12)

  • 54

    • Barren Zion to have many sons (1-17)

      • Jehovah, husband to Zion (5)

      • Zion’s sons to be taught by Jehovah (13)

      • Weapons against Zion to fail (17)

  • 55

    • Invitation to eat and drink for free (1-5)

    • Search for Jehovah and his reliable word (6-13)

      • God’s ways higher than man’s (8, 9)

      • God’s word to have sure success (10, 11)

  • 56

    • Blessings on foreigners and eunuchs (1-8)

      • A house of prayer for all (7)

    • Blind watchmen, speechless dogs (9-12)

  • 57

    • Righteous one and loyal ones perish (1, 2)

    • Israel’s spiritual prostitution exposed (3-13)

    • Comfort for the lowly (14-21)

      • The wicked like the restless sea (20)

      • No peace for the wicked (21)

  • 58

    • True and false fasting (1-12)

    • Delighting in observing the Sabbath (13, 14)

  • 59

    • Israel’s sins cause alienation from God (1-8)

    • Confession of sins (9-15a)

    • Jehovah intervenes for the repentant (15b-21)

  • 60

    • Jehovah’s glory shines on Zion (1-22)

      • Like doves to their dovecotes (8)

      • Gold instead of copper (17)

      • The little one will become a thousand (22)

  • 61

    • Anointed to declare good news (1-11)

      • “Year of Jehovah’s goodwill” (2)

      • “Big trees of righteousness” (3)

      • Foreigners to assist (5)

      • “Priests of Jehovah” (6)

  • 62

    • Zion’s new name (1-12)

  • 63

    • Jehovah’s vengeance on the nations (1-6)

    • Jehovah’s loyal love in times past (7-14)

    • Prayer of repentance (15-19)

  • 64

    • Prayer of repentance continued (1-12)

      • Jehovah “our Potter” (8)

  • 65

    • Jehovah’s judgment against idolaters (1-16)

      • Gods of Good Luck and of Destiny (11)

      • “My servants will eat” (13)

    • New heavens and a new earth (17-25)

      • Building houses; planting vineyards (21)

      • No one will toil for nothing (23)

  • 66

    • True worship and false (1-6)

    • Mother Zion and her sons (7-17)

    • People gathered to worship in Jerusalem (18-24)