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1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Judgment against Samaria and Judah (1-16)

      • Sins and revolt cause the problems (5)

  • 2

    • Woe to the oppressors! (1-11)

    • Israel regathered into unity (12, 13)

      • The land to be noisy with people (12)

  • 3

    • Leaders and prophets denounced (1-12)

      • Micah filled with power by Jehovah’s spirit (8)

      • Priests instruct for money (11)

      • Jerusalem to be heaps of ruins (12)

  • 4

    • Jehovah’s mountain elevated (1-5)

      • Swords into plowshares (3)

      • ‘We will walk in Jehovah’s name’ (5)

    • Restored Zion to be made strong (6-13)

  • 5

    • A ruler to be great in all the earth (1-6)

      • The ruler to come from Bethlehem (2)

    • A remnant to be like dew and like a lion (7-9)

    • The land to be cleansed (10-15)

  • 6

    • God’s legal case against Israel (1-5)

    • What does Jehovah require? (6-8)

      • Justice, loyalty, modesty (8)

    • Israel’s guilt and punishment (9-16)

  • 7

    • Israel’s bad moral condition (1-6)

      • Enemies from one’s own house (6)

    • “I will show a waiting attitude” (7)

    • God’s people vindicated (8-13)

    • Micah’s prayer and praise to God (14-20)

      • Jehovah’s answer (15-17)

      • ‘Who is a God like Jehovah?’ (18)