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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • A call to return to Jehovah (1-6)

      • ‘Return to me and I will return to you’ (3)

    • Vision 1: Horsemen among the myrtle trees (7-17)

      • “Jehovah will again comfort Zion” (17)

    • Vision 2: Four horns and four craftsmen (18-21)

  • 2

    • Vision 3: A man with a measuring line (1-13)

      • Jerusalem to be measured (2)

      • Jehovah, “a wall of fire all around” (5)

      • Touching the pupil of God’s eye (8)

      • Many nations will join themselves to Jehovah (11)

  • 3

    • Vision 4: High priest’s garments replaced (1-10)

      • Satan resists High Priest Joshua (1)

      • ‘I will bring in my servant Sprout!’ (8)

  • 4

    • Vision 5: A lampstand and two olive trees (1-14)

      • ‘Not by power, but by my spirit’ (6)

      • Do not despise the day of small beginnings (10)

  • 5

    • Vision 6: The flying scroll (1-4)

    • Vision 7: The ephah container (5-11)

      • A woman inside named Wickedness (8)

      • The container taken away to Shinar (9-11)

  • 6

    • Vision 8: Four chariots (1-8)

    • The Sprout to be king and priest (9-15)

  • 7

    • Jehovah condemns insincere fasting (1-14)

      • “Did you really fast for me?” (5)

      • ‘Deal with one another in justice, loyal love, and mercy’ (9)

  • 8

    • Jehovah gives Zion peace and truth (1-23)

      • Jerusalem, “the city of truth” (3)

      • “Speak the truth with one another” (16)

      • From fasting to feasting (18, 19)

      • ‘Let us earnestly seek Jehovah’ (21)

      • Ten men take hold of the robe of a Jew (23)

  • 9

    • God’s judgment on neighboring nations (1-8)

    • The coming of Zion’s king (9, 10)

      • A humble king riding on a donkey (9)

    • Jehovah’s people to be released (11-17)

  • 10

    • Ask Jehovah, not false gods, for rain (1, 2)

    • Jehovah unifies his people (3-12)

      • The keyman from the house of Judah (3, 4)

  • 11

    • Results of rejecting God’s true shepherd (1-17)

      • “Shepherd the flock meant for the slaughter” (4)

      • Two staffs: Pleasantness and Union (7)

      • Shepherd’s wages: 30 pieces of silver (12)

      • The money thrown into the treasury (13)

  • 12

    • Jehovah to defend Judah and Jerusalem (1-9)

      • Jerusalem, “a heavy stone” (3)

    • Wailing over the one pierced (10-14)

  • 13

    • Removal of idols and false prophets (1-6)

      • False prophets to feel ashamed (4-6)

    • The shepherd to be struck (7-9)

      • A third part to be refined (9)

  • 14

    • Complete triumph of true worship (1-21)

      • Mount of Olives to split in half (4)

      • Jehovah to be one, and his name one (9)

      • Scourge for Jerusalem’s opposers (12-15)

      • Celebration of the Festival of Booths (16-19)

      • Every pot to be holy to Jehovah (20, 21)