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Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Address to Theophilus (1-5)

    • Witnesses to the ends of the earth (6-8)

    • Jesus ascends to heaven (9-11)

    • Disciples gather in unity (12-14)

    • Matthias chosen to replace Judas (15-26)

  • 2

    • Holy spirit poured out at Pentecost (1-13)

    • Peter’s speech (14-36)

    • Crowds respond to Peter’s speech (37-41)

      • 3,000 baptized (41)

    • Christian fellowship (42-47)

  • 3

    • Peter heals a lame beggar (1-10)

    • Peter’s speech at Solomon’s Colonnade (11-26)

      • “Restoration of all things” (21)

      • A prophet like Moses (22)

  • 4

    • Peter and John arrested (1-4)

      • Believers now number 5,000 men (4)

    • Trial before the Sanhedrin (5-22)

      • “We cannot stop speaking” (20)

    • Prayer for boldness (23-31)

    • Disciples share possessions (32-37)

  • 5

    • Ananias and Sapphira (1-11)

    • Apostles perform many signs (12-16)

    • Imprisoned and set free (17-21a)

    • Brought before the Sanhedrin again (21b-32)

      • ‘Obey God rather than men’ (29)

    • Gamaliel’s advice (33-40)

    • Preaching from house to house (41, 42)

  • 6

    • Seven men chosen to minister (1-7)

    • Stephen accused of blasphemy (8-15)

  • 7

    • Stephen’s speech before the Sanhedrin (1-53)

      • Era of the patriarchs (2-16)

      • Moses’ leadership; Israel’s idolatry (17-43)

      • God does not live in man-made temples (44-50)

    • Stoning of Stephen (54-60)

  • 8

    • Saul the persecutor (1-3)

    • Philip’s fruitful ministry in Samaria (4-13)

    • Peter and John sent to Samaria (14-17)

    • Simon tries to buy holy spirit (18-25)

    • The Ethiopian eunuch (26-40)

  • 9

    • Saul on the way to Damascus (1-9)

    • Ananias sent to help Saul (10-19a)

    • Saul preaches about Jesus in Damascus (19b-25)

    • Saul visits Jerusalem (26-31)

    • Peter heals Aeneas (32-35)

    • Generous Dorcas resurrected (36-43)

  • 10

    • Cornelius’ vision (1-8)

    • Peter’s vision of cleansed animals (9-16)

    • Peter visits Cornelius (17-33)

    • Peter proclaims good news for Gentiles (34-43)

      • “God is not partial” (34, 35)

    • Gentiles receive holy spirit and get baptized (44-48)

  • 11

    • Peter reports to the apostles (1-18)

    • Barnabas and Saul in Antioch of Syria (19-26)

      • Disciples first called Christians (26)

    • Agabus foretells famine (27-30)

  • 12

    • James killed; Peter imprisoned (1-5)

    • Peter miraculously set free (6-19)

    • Herod struck by an angel (20-25)

  • 13

    • Barnabas and Saul sent as missionaries (1-3)

    • Ministry on Cyprus (4-12)

    • Paul’s speech in Antioch of Pisidia (13-41)

    • Prophetic command to turn to the nations (42-52)

  • 14

    • Increase and opposition in Iconium (1-7)

    • Mistaken for gods in Lystra (8-18)

    • Paul survives stoning (19, 20)

    • Strengthening the congregations (21-23)

    • Returning to Antioch of Syria (24-28)

  • 15

    • Dispute in Antioch regarding circumcision (1, 2)

    • Question brought to Jerusalem (3-5)

    • Elders and apostles meet together (6-21)

    • Letter from the governing body (22-29)

      • Abstain from blood (28, 29)

    • Congregations encouraged by letter (30-35)

    • Paul and Barnabas go separate ways (36-41)

  • 16

    • Paul selects Timothy (1-5)

    • Vision of the Macedonian man (6-10)

    • Lydia’s conversion in Philippi (11-15)

    • Paul and Silas imprisoned (16-24)

    • Jailer and his household baptized (25-34)

    • Paul requests an official apology (35-40)

  • 17

    • Paul and Silas in Thessalonica (1-9)

    • Paul and Silas in Beroea (10-15)

    • Paul in Athens (16-22a)

    • Paul’s speech at the Areopagus (22b-34)

  • 18

    • Paul’s ministry in Corinth (1-17)

    • Return to Antioch of Syria (18-22)

    • Paul departs for Galatia and Phrygia (23)

    • Eloquent Apollos gets help (24-28)

  • 19

    • Paul in Ephesus; some rebaptized (1-7)

    • Paul’s teaching activities (8-10)

    • Success despite demonism (11-20)

    • Riot in Ephesus (21-41)

  • 20

    • Paul in Macedonia and Greece (1-6)

    • Eutychus resurrected in Troas (7-12)

    • From Troas to Miletus (13-16)

    • Paul meets with Ephesian elders (17-38)

      • Teaching from house to house (20)

      • “More happiness in giving” (35)

  • 21

    • En route to Jerusalem (1-14)

    • Arrival in Jerusalem (15-19)

    • Paul follows the elders’ counsel (20-26)

    • Riot in the temple; Paul arrested (27-36)

    • Paul allowed to address the crowd (37-40)

  • 22

    • Paul’s defense before the crowd (1-21)

    • Paul uses his Roman citizenship (22-29)

    • Sanhedrin assembled (30)

  • 23

    • Paul speaks before the Sanhedrin (1-10)

    • Paul strengthened by the Lord (11)

    • Conspiracy to kill Paul (12-22)

    • Paul transferred to Caesarea (23-35)

  • 24

    • Accusations against Paul (1-9)

    • Paul’s defense before Felix (10-21)

    • Paul’s case put on hold for two years (22-27)

  • 25

    • Paul’s trial before Festus (1-12)

      • “I appeal to Caesar!” (11)

    • Festus consults with King Agrippa (13-22)

    • Paul before Agrippa (23-27)

  • 26

    • Paul’s defense before Agrippa (1-11)

    • Paul describes his conversion (12-23)

    • Festus’ and Agrippa’s responses (24-32)

  • 27

    • Paul sails for Rome (1-12)

    • Storm strikes the ship (13-38)

    • Shipwreck (39-44)

  • 28

    • Ashore on Malta (1-6)

    • Publius’ father healed (7-10)

    • On to Rome (11-16)

    • Paul speaks to Jews in Rome (17-29)

    • Paul preaches with boldness for two years (30, 31)