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The First Letter to the Corinthians


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Greetings (1-3)

    • Paul thanks God for the Corinthians (4-9)

    • Exhortation to be united (10-17)

    • Christ, the power and wisdom of God (18-25)

    • Boasting only in Jehovah (26-31)

  • 2

    • Paul’s preaching in Corinth (1-5)

    • Superiority of God’s wisdom (6-10)

    • Spiritual man versus physical man (11-16)

  • 3

    • Corinthians still fleshly (1-4)

    • God makes it grow (5-9)

      • Fellow workers of God (9)

    • Build with fire-resistant material (10-15)

    • You are God’s temple (16, 17)

    • Worldly wisdom foolish to God (18-23)

  • 4

    • Stewards should be faithful (1-5)

    • Humility of Christian ministers (6-13)

      • ‘Do not go beyond what is written’ (6)

      • Christians a theatrical spectacle (9)

    • Paul cares for his spiritual children (14-21)

  • 5

    • A case of sexual immorality (1-5)

    • A little leaven ferments the whole batch (6-8)

    • A wicked man to be removed (9-13)

  • 6

    • Lawsuits among Christian brothers (1-8)

    • Those who will not inherit the Kingdom (9-11)

    • Glorify God in your body (12-20)

      • “Flee from sexual immorality!” (18)

  • 7

    • Advice for the unmarried and married (1-16)

    • Remain in the state in which you were called (17-24)

    • The unmarried and the widows (25-40)

      • Advantages of singleness (32-35)

      • Marry “only in the Lord” (39)

  • 8

    • About food offered to idols (1-13)

      • To us there is only one God (5, 6)

  • 9

    • Paul’s example as an apostle (1-27)

      • “You must not muzzle a bull” (9)

      • ‘Woe to me if I do not preach!’ (16)

      • Becoming all things to all people (19-23)

      • Self-control in the race for life (24-27)

  • 10

    • Warning examples from Israel’s history (1-13)

    • Warning against idolatry (14-22)

      • Table of Jehovah, table of demons (21)

    • Freedom and consideration for others (23-33)

      • “Do all things for God’s glory” (31)

  • 11

    • “Become imitators of me” (1)

    • Headship and head covering (2-16)

    • Observing the Lord’s Evening Meal (17-34)

  • 12

    • Gifts of the spirit (1-11)

    • One body, many members (12-31)

  • 13

    • Love​​—⁠a surpassing way (1-13)

  • 14

    • Gifts of prophecy and tongues (1-25)

    • Orderly Christian meetings (26-40)

      • Women’s position in congregation (34, 35)

  • 15

    • The resurrection of Christ (1-11)

    • Resurrection the basis for faith (12-19)

    • Christ’s resurrection a guarantee (20-34)

    • The physical body, the spiritual body (35-49)

    • Immortality and incorruption (50-57)

    • Plenty to do in the Lord’s work (58)

  • 16

    • Collection for Jerusalem Christians (1-4)

    • Paul’s travel plans (5-9)

    • Planned visits of Timothy and Apollos (10-12)

    • Exhortations and greetings (13-24)