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2 Corinthians


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Greetings (1, 2)

    • Comfort from God in all tribulation (3-11)

    • Change in Paul’s travel plans (12-24)

  • 2

    • Paul’s intention to bring joy (1-4)

    • A sinner forgiven and reinstated (5-11)

    • Paul in Troas and Macedonia (12, 13)

    • The ministry, a triumphal procession (14-17)

      • Not peddlers of God’s word (17)

  • 3

    • Letters of recommendation (1-3)

    • Ministers of the new covenant (4-6)

    • New covenant’s superior glory (7-18)

  • 4

    • Light of the good news (1-6)

      • Unbelievers’ minds blinded (4)

    • Treasure in earthen vessels (7-18)

  • 5

    • Putting on the heavenly dwelling (1-10)

    • Ministry of reconciliation (11-21)

      • A new creation (17)

      • Ambassadors for Christ (20)

  • 6

    • God’s kindness not to be misused (1, 2)

    • Paul’s ministry described (3-13)

    • Do not become unevenly yoked (14-18)

  • 7

    • Cleanse ourselves of defilement (1)

    • Paul’s joy over the Corinthians (2-4)

    • Titus brings a good report (5-7)

    • Godly sadness and repentance (8-16)

  • 8

    • Collection for Judean Christians (1-15)

    • Titus to be sent to Corinth (16-24)

  • 9

    • Motivation for giving (1-15)

      • God loves a cheerful giver (7)

  • 10

    • Paul defends his ministry (1-18)

      • Our weapons not fleshly (4, 5)

  • 11

    • Paul and the superfine apostles (1-15)

    • Paul’s hardships as an apostle (16-33)

  • 12

    • Paul’s visions (1-7a)

    • Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” (7b-10)

    • Not inferior to superfine apostles (11-13)

    • Paul’s concern for the Corinthians (14-21)

  • 13

    • Final warnings and exhortations (1-14)

      • “Keep testing whether you are in the faith” (5)

      • Be readjusted; think in agreement (11)