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Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • A revelation from God, through Jesus (1-3)

    • Greetings to the seven congregations (4-8)

      • “I am the Alpha and the Omega” (8)

    • John in the Lord’s day by inspiration (9-11)

    • Vision of the glorified Jesus (12-20)

  • 2

    • Messages to Ephesus (1-7), to Smyrna (8-11), to Pergamum (12-17), to Thyatira (18-29)

  • 3

    • Messages to Sardis (1-6), to Philadelphia (7-13), to Laodicea (14-22)

  • 4

    • Vision of Jehovah’s heavenly presence (1-11)

      • Jehovah seated on his throne (2)

      • The 24 elders on thrones (4)

      • The four living creatures (6)

  • 5

    • A scroll with seven seals (1-5)

    • The Lamb takes the scroll (6-8)

    • The Lamb is worthy to open the seals (9-14)

  • 6

    • The Lamb opens the first six seals (1-17)

      • Conqueror on the white horse (1, 2)

      • Rider of fiery-colored horse to take away peace (3, 4)

      • Rider of black horse to bring famine (5, 6)

      • Rider of pale horse is named Death (7, 8)

      • Slaughtered ones under the altar (9-11)

      • A great earthquake (12-17)

  • 7

    • Four angels holding back destructive winds (1-3)

    • The 144,000 sealed (4-8)

    • A great crowd in white robes (9-17)

  • 8

    • The seventh seal opened (1-6)

    • Sounding the first four trumpets (7-12)

    • Three woes announced (13)

  • 9

    • The fifth trumpet (1-11)

    • One woe past, two more coming (12)

    • The sixth trumpet (13-21)

  • 10

    • A strong angel with a little scroll (1-7)

      • “No delay any longer” (6)

      • Sacred secret to be finished (7)

    • John eats the little scroll (8-11)

  • 11

    • The two witnesses (1-13)

      • Prophesying 1,260 days in sackcloth (3)

      • Killed and left unburied (7-10)

      • Brought to life after three and a half days (11, 12)

    • Second woe past, third coming (14)

    • The seventh trumpet (15-19)

      • Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ (15)

      • Those ruining the earth will be brought to ruin (18)

  • 12

    • The woman, the male child, and the dragon (1-6)

    • Michael battles the dragon (7-12)

      • Dragon hurled to the earth (9)

      • Devil knows he has a short time (12)

    • Dragon persecutes the woman (13-17)

  • 13

    • Seven-headed wild beast from the sea (1-10)

    • Two-horned beast from the earth (11-13)

    • Image of the seven-headed beast (14, 15)

    • Mark and number of the wild beast (16-18)

  • 14

    • The Lamb and the 144,000 (1-5)

    • Messages from three angels (6-12)

      • Angel in midheaven with good news (6, 7)

    • Happy are those who die in union with Christ (13)

    • Two harvests of the earth (14-20)

  • 15

    • Seven angels with seven plagues (1-8)

      • The song of Moses and of the Lamb (3, 4)

  • 16

    • Seven bowls of God’s anger (1-21)

      • Poured out on the earth (2), the sea (3), the rivers and springs (4-7), the sun (8, 9), the throne of the wild beast (10, 11), the Euphrates (12-16), and the air (17-21)

      • God’s war at Armageddon (14, 16)

  • 17

    • Judgment on “Babylon the Great” (1-18)

      • The great prostitute sits on a scarlet-colored beast (1-3)

      • The beast ‘was, is not, but is to ascend out of the abyss’ (8)

      • Ten horns to fight the Lamb (12-14)

      • Ten horns to hate the prostitute (16, 17)

  • 18

    • Fall of “Babylon the Great” (1-8)

      • “Get out of her, my people” (4)

    • Mourning over Babylon’s fall (9-19)

    • Rejoicing in heaven over Babylon’s fall (20)

    • Babylon to be hurled into the sea like a stone (21-24)

  • 19

    • Praise Jah for his judgments (1-10)

      • Marriage of the Lamb (7-9)

    • Rider on a white horse (11-16)

    • Great evening meal of God (17, 18)

    • Wild beast defeated (19-21)

  • 20

    • Satan bound for 1,000 years (1-3)

    • Millennial rulers with Christ (4-6)

    • Satan released, then destroyed (7-10)

    • The dead judged before the white throne (11-15)

  • 21

    • A new heaven and a new earth (1-8)

      • No more death (4)

      • All things made new (5)

    • New Jerusalem described (9-27)

  • 22

    • River of water of life (1-5)

    • Conclusion (6-21)

      • ‘Come! Take life’s water free’ (17)

      • “Come, Lord Jesus” (20)