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Whiteboard Animations

These animated short videos tackle serious subjects but make learning fun!


From Sad to Glad

What can you do if you are overwhelmed with sadness?

What You Should Know About Sports

Sports can teach vital skills, such as cooperation and communication. But should sports be one of the most important things in life?

Think Past the Drink

Under the influence of alcohol, many say and do things they later regret. How can you protect yourself from the trouble and danger of alcohol abuse?

Who’s in Control​—You or Your Devices?

You live in a wired world, but technology does not have to control you. How can you tell if you are addicted to your device? If there’s a problem, how can you take back control?

How Can I Earn More Freedom?

You think you are ready to be treated more like an adult, but your parents may disagree. What steps can you take to gain their trust?

How Can I Stop the Gossip?

Whenever harmful gossip creeps into your conversation, take action!

Stand Up to Peer Pressure!

Four simple steps can help you to gain the strength to be your own person.

What’s a Real Friend?

Fake friends are easy to come by, but how can you find a true friend?