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The Bible Changes Lives

In these first-person accounts, see how God’s Word has changed the lives of people around the world for the better.

Meaningful Life

How My Happy New Life Began

See how the Bible helped a man who had struggled with his emotions since childhood.

We Rebuilt Our Marriage With God’s Help

The power of Bible principles can help anyone struggling in their marriage.

I Found True Riches

How did a successful business executive discover something more valuable than wealth and money?

Juan Pablo Zermeño: Jehovah Gave Me a Meaningful Life

Traumatic experiences can have a profound and long-lasting impact on us. Despite his difficult childhood, learn how Juan Pablo found true meaning, peace, and joy in his life.

We Will Never Forget the Greeting at the Kingdom Hall

Steve vividly recalls how he was received when he first attended a meeting of Jehovah’s Witnesses at a Kingdom Hall.

Can Love Conquer Hatred?

Overcoming prejudice can be difficult. See how a Jew and a Palestinian were able to do so successfully.

I Was Impressed by the Bible’s Clear, Logical Answers

Ernest Loedi found answers to some of life’s most important questions. The Bible’s clear answers have given him a real hope for the future.

Never Give Up Hope When Suffering

Doris wondered why God allowed suffering. She got the answer from an unexpected source.

Three Questions Changed My Life

When teacher and student changed roles, Doris Eldred found satisfying answers to her questions about life.

I Did Not Want to Die!

Yvonne Quarrie once asked, “Why am I here?” The answer changed her life.

Jehovah Has Done So Much for Me

What Bible truth helped Crystal, a victim of sexual abuse as a child, to build a relationship with God and to find real meaning in life?

I No Longer Feel Ashamed of Myself

Learn how Israel Martínez overcame a deep-rooted inferiority complex and gained self-respect.

I Learned That God Cares for the Deaf

For Jeson, being deaf was no obstacle to developing a personal relationship with God.

United With My Father at Last

Learn why Renée turned to drugs and alcohol and how he was able to break free from them for good.

I Now Feel That I Can Help Others

Julio Corio suffered a tragic accident and felt that God did not care. The scripture at Exodus 3:7 helped change his view.

My Life Was All About Me

Christof Bauer poured himself into reading the Bible during a transatlantic voyage in a small sailboat. What did he learn?

I Wanted to Fight Injustice

Rafika joined a revolutionary group to fight social injustice. But she found the Bible’s promise of peace and justice under God’s Kingdom.

“I No Longer Feel That I Have to Change the World”

How did studying the Bible help a social activist learn the source of true change for mankind?

I Put Down My Rifle

See how the Bible’s comforting message helped Cindy to change her aggressive personality.

For Me, God Did Not Exist

How did one individual whose youth was shaped by the ideologies of atheism and Communism come to appreciate the Bible?

The Bible Changes Lives​—November 2012

How did a successful career woman, a gambler, and a man disillusioned with life find true happiness?

The Bible Changes Lives—From Polygamist to a Better Husband

What moved a former polygamist to change his view of marriage?

Changed Beliefs

Katri Finally Found Her Spiritual Home

How does Jehovah draw honesthearted ones who are searching for the truth?

“I Had More Questions Than Answers”

What convinced Mario, a former church pastor, that Jehovah’s Witnesses teach the truth about the Bible?

Bible Truth Satisfied My Thirst for Answers

Mayli Gündel stopped believing in God when her father died. How did she gain true faith and find inner peace?

They Used the Bible to Answer Every Question!

Isolina Lamela was a Catholic nun, then a Communist activist, but became disillusioned in both pursuits. Later, she met Jehovah’s Witnesses, who helped her from the Bible to find a clear purpose in life.

They Found the “Pearl of High Value”

Mary and Björn found Kingdom truth in different ways. How did it change their lives?

I Gave Up on Religion

Tom wanted to believe in God but became disillusioned with religion and its empty rituals. How did his study of the Bible help him to find hope?

“Jehovah Had Not Forgotten Me”

This deeply religious woman finally found Scriptural answers to her questions about why we die and what happens after death. Learn how the truth changed her life.

“I Dreamed of Becoming a Priest”

From his youth, Roberto Pacheco had the goal of becoming a Catholic priest. Find out what changed his life.

“They Wanted Me to Prove the Truth to Myself”

Luis Alifonso wanted to become a Mormon missionary. How did studying the Bible change his goals and his life?

Drugs and Alcohol

“I Am No Longer a Slave of Violence”

On the first day at his new job, Michael Kuenzle was asked, “Do you think that God is responsible for the suffering in the world?” This marked a turning point in his life.

My Life Was Spiraling Out of Control

Solomone moved to the United States, hoping to find a better life. Instead, he began abusing drugs and ended up in prison. What helped him to straighten out his life?

The Streets Became My Home

Antonio’s experiences in the sordid world of violence, drugs, and alcohol abuse led him to feel that life had no purpose. What changed his mind?

I Learned to Respect Women and Myself

Joseph Ehrenbogen read something in the Bible that helped him to completely transform his life.

“I Began to Think Seriously About Where My Life Was Headed”

Read how Bible principles helped a man change his habits and his thinking so that he could be pleasing to God.

I Got Fed Up With My Lifestyle

Dmitry Korshunov was an alcoholic, but he began to read the Bible every day. What motivated him to make drastic changes in his life?

The Bible Changes Lives—October 2012

How did two people give up their vices, including alcohol and drugs, and become truly happy?

“I Have Finally Found True Freedom”

Learn how the Bible helped a young man stop using tobacco and abusing drugs and alcohol.

Crime and Violence

“Crime and the Love of Money Brought Me Much Pain”

After Artan was released from prison, he learned that what the Bible says about the love of money is true.

“I Am No Longer a Cruel Man”

What motivated Sébastien Kayira to give up his violent and abusive behavior?

“I Was Digging My Own Grave”

What moved a former gang member from El Salvador to turn his life around?

Now I View People Differently

Sobantu studied Bible truths and left his violent lifestyle. He now visits his neighbors to teach them about a world free of crime and gangsters.

I Had an Explosive Temper

A former gang member believes that the person he is today testifies to the transforming power of the Bible. He now enjoys a close relationship with God.

I Was Bitter at Heart and Violent

What made a street fighter from Mexico want to transform his personality?

Give Me Just One Year of Peace and Happiness

Alain Broggio was deeply moved by the Bible passage at 1 John 1:9.

I Thought That I Was Living My Life to the Full

Pawel Pyzara was pursuing violence, drugs, and a law degree—all at the same time. A turning point came when he started a fight with eight men.

My Life Was Going From Bad to Worse

Stephen McDowell was a violent young man, but a murder that he did not commit made him resolve to change his life.

I Learned That Jehovah Is Merciful and Forgiving

For Normand Pelletier, defrauding people was like a drug. But he was brought to tears by reading one verse from the Bible.

I Was Fighting My Own War Against Injustice and Violence

Antoine Touma was skilled at Kung Fu, but the scripture at 1 Timothy 4:8 changed his life.

I Never Went Anywhere Without My Gun

Annunziato Lugarà was in a violent gang, but a visit to a Kingdom Hall changed his life.

“Many People Hated Me”

Learn how studying the Bible helped a violent man to become peaceable.

Sports, Music, and Entertainment

Jason Worilds: There Are Nothing But Wins When You Serve Jehovah

Centering our lives around Jehovah will always bring lasting happiness.

Andrey Nesmachniy: Soccer Was My Reason for Living

He had fame and money but found something more valuable.

I Seemed to Have Everything I Could Hope For

Stéphane was young, successful, and famous, yet he felt empty and unfulfilled. How did he find true happiness and purpose in life?

The Best Prize of My Life

What moved a professional tennis player to become a minister of the Bible?

“Martial Arts Were My Passion”

Erwin Lamsfus once asked a friend, “Have you ever wondered why we are here?” The answer changed his life.

I Failed Many Times Before I Succeeded

How did one man overcome his addiction to pornography and gain peace of mind?

“My Behavior Was Brutal”

Despite his success in the music industry, Esa knew that his life lacked meaning. Find out how this heavy-metal musician found true happiness.

Strength Comes From Serving Jehovah

One Bible verse assured Hércules that he could replace his aggressive personality with a new one that is calmer and more loving.

I Loved Baseball More Than Anything!

Samuel Hamilton was consumed by his love of sport, but a Bible study changed his life.

The Promise of a Paradise Earth Changed My Life!

Ivars Vigulis built his life around the fame, glory, and thrill of motorcycle racing. How did Bible truths have an impact on his life?