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Sex is not evil, but sexual feelings need to be controlled. How can you do so in a world that is obsessed with sex?

Harassment and Assault

What Young People Say About Sexual Harassment

Hear what five young people say about being harassed and what to do when it happens.

The Bible’s View

Is Oral Sex Really Sex?

Is a person who has had oral sex still a virgin?

Is Homosexuality Wrong?

Does the Bible teach that homosexuals are bad people? Can a Christian please God while feeling attracted to the same sex?

Maintaining Virtue

How Can I Fight the Pressure to Have Premarital Sex?

Three Bible principles can help you to resist temptation.

Guard Against Improper Desires

Do this exercise, and visualize the Bible account of David and Bath-sheba. What lessons can we learn?

How to Resist Temptation

When Joseph was tempted to compromise his morals, what motivated him to do what was right?