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Bae Iumi Win

Bae Iumi Win


  1. 1. Long firstaem wea mi just lanem truth.

    Lanem long future evri samting bae niu.

    Mi tinghae and love for God kamap strong.

    Bat disfala world laekem mi for go rong.


    Mas strong evriday.

    Mi laek for faithful ol’we.


    Bae mi buildimap faith for mekem mi strong.

    No laek for givap or wikdaon.

    And Bible nao mi bae readim each day.

    Bae prea for mi strong and no sin.

    Bae mi buildimap faith, and mi bae win.

  2. 2. So iumi mas chus and mas disaed

    For followim world or followim Christ.

    From world hem laekem iumi for tingse

    Bae hemi no finis, bae stap olowe.


    Bat datwan no tru,

    Bikos Kingdom bae rul.


    So mas buildimap faith, and iumi mas strong.

    No laek for givap or wikdaon.

    And Bible bae iumi readim each day.

    Bae prea for mas strong and no sin.

    Iumi buildimap faith, bae iumi win.


    So mas buildimap faith, and iumi mas strong.

    No laek for givap or wikdaon.

    And Bible bae iumi readim each day.

    Bae prea for mas strong and no sin.

    Iumi buildimap faith, bae iumi win.

    Bae iumi win.

    Bae iumi win.