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Peace Kam Nao! (2022 Convention Song)

Peace Kam Nao! (2022 Convention Song)


  1. 1. Olsem Island lo sea

    Wea hem raf fogud,

    Iumi stap long peace and no fraet.

    And from faith iumi

    No wikdaon, garem hope,

    And savve iumi bae olraet.


    Evriwea hia lo earth,

    Peace bae kamap nao

    And bae for olowe.

    Evri samting wea laef,

    Full creation tu,

    Kamap gud hem bikos

    Peace kam nao.

  2. 2. Taem wea niu world hem kam,

    Bae wan mind nao

    Long heven and lo earth wea niu.

    Long datfala taem

    Bae love hem evriwea,

    And Justice for evriwan tu.


    Evriwea hia lo earth,

    Peace bae kamap nao

    And bae for olowe.

    Evri samting wea laef

    Full creation tu,

    Kamap gud hem bikos

    Peace kam nao.


    Evriwea hia lo earth,

    Peace bae kamap nao

    And bae for olowe.

    Evri samting wea laef,

    Full creation tu,

    Kamap gud hem bikos.


    Evriwea hia lo earth,

    Peace bae kamap nao

    And bae for olowe.

    Evri samting wea laef,

    Full creation tu,

    Kamap gud hem bikos

    Peace kam nao,

    Peace kam nao!