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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Religious Persecution The article “Religious Persecution in Georgia​—How Much Longer?” (January 22, 2002) alerted me to just how changeable this world is. I often reflect on articles like this one, asking myself, ‘Where was I when this was happening? How strong was my relationship with Jehovah when my dear brothers and sisters were suffering so?’ Please let our brothers and sisters know that we love them and that we are affected by their trials.

K. S., United States

When I read about the ill-treatment of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Georgia, I just couldn’t hold back my tears. I pray with all my heart that Jehovah will support and protect them and pour his abundant love upon them. I want to let my beloved brothers and sisters in Georgia know that I am praying for them. Even though I am in a different place, I am thankful from the heart for the privilege of being able to serve Jehovah shoulder to shoulder with them.

M. T., Japan

Weekly at our meetings I’ve heard brothers pray from the platform about our brothers and sisters in Georgia, but I never had this much information about what was going on. I never dreamed that atrocities such as those mentioned in this article were occurring. Let them know that their brothers and sisters worldwide are praying for them. They are a great encouragement to all of us who are facing much smaller problems than they are.

V. P., United States

The faith of these brothers touched me deeply, and I wept over their suffering. They have shown courage, firmness, and great trust in Jehovah. I would be happy for them to know that I am close to them, I love them, and I will remember them in my prayers.

F. F., Italy

Occult I am so thankful for the article “Young People Ask . . . Dabbling in the Occult​—What’s the Harm?” (January 22, 2002) This article gave me the courage to get rid of a questionable item once and for all. It really moved my heart to read more about the Bible example of those in Ephesus who burned their spiritistic books, even though they were worth 50,000 pieces of silver. (Acts 19:19) The value of the paper that I threw into the trash cannot be compared with the value of the things that Jehovah will give me. Thank you for publishing articles like this at just the right time.

A. N., Japan

I was baptized a month ago. Before learning about the Bible, I repeatedly had contact with spiritism through my mother, who is not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The article came at the right time. I now know what I have to beware of, and I have put my full trust in Jehovah. After reading this article many times and speaking about it repeatedly with a Christian sister, my fears are diminishing.

A. P., Germany

From a Teacher As a primary school teacher, I would like to congratulate the editors of Awake! Your cultural magazine is an important contribution to a rounded-out education. My fellow teachers and I use the excellent articles as a basis for classroom discussions on moral values and social issues. Awake! is character-forming and improves our students’ quality of life by helping them to make informed decisions.

F. C., Brazil