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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Pornography Thank you for the series “Pornography​—Harmless or Harmful?” (July 22, 2003) I needed this straightforward counsel. I did not become a Christian until long after I had exposed myself to pornography. The articles helped me to see more clearly than ever how damaging it is and what decisive steps are needed to break free from its powerful, magnetic pull.

E. P., United States

My happy marriage of 22 years ended in divorce two years ago. Pornography literally took a wonderful husband and loving father from us. This horrendous addiction changed his personality from kind and gentle to angry, lying, and animalistic. I used to feel so alone as a casualty of pornography, but now I realize it is a crisis that affects many. Thank you for this well-written series.

L. T., United States

Before studying the Bible, I was addicted to pornography for well over a decade. Despite what its proponents might claim, there is absolutely nothing positive about it. Before becoming one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I was addicted to nearly every major drug. Of all my addictions, pornography was by far the most difficult to break. Please continue to publish articles like these.

J. A., United States

Young People Ask Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the article “Young People Ask . . . Why Do I Feel That I Have to Be Perfect?” (July 22, 2003) I am a 25-year-old full-time evangelizer. Ever since I was small, I have compared myself with my sister and my brother, who are four years and three years older than I am. I fought with an inferiority complex, thinking that I was worthless. To cope with these feelings, I strove to be perfect. This article described exactly how I feel. I want to adjust my pattern of thinking.

M. Y., Japan

I am 16 years old, and I was recently diagnosed with depression. I have always tried to do things perfectly, and I often berate myself for being a failure. This article came at just the right time. I could not stop crying as I read it. I never realized that many others battle with the same feelings. Thank you for the “Young People Ask” series. I look forward to the next article.

L. S., United States

Zebra Mussels I am 12 years old, and I really enjoyed the article “Pesky Purifiers.” (July 22, 2003) I was struck by the fact that a female can produce 500,000 eggs a year and that there can be as many as 600,000 mussels in just one square yard [700,000 per sq m]. We should respect the sea because it is the habitat of zebra mussels and other creatures. By doing so, we also show respect for Jehovah God. Please continue writing such interesting articles!

E. T., Italy

Older Issues Recently my adult daughter was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. I found an article on this ailment in the January 8, 1988, issue of Awake! Our entire family read the article, along with my daughter, many times. Because of this, we have been helped to face our situation calmly. Even though this article is more than 15 years old, we benefited greatly from it. Occasionally, Awake! has reported on illnesses that we have never heard of, and these articles must be a tremendous encouragement to those who are afflicted with such illnesses. My heartfelt thanks to you for the work that you do.

E. M., Japan