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Can Fight Hopeless Kine Tinkin

Can Fight Hopeless Kine Tinkin

Can Fight Hopeless Kine Tinkin

HOW you ack wen tings no go yoa way? Da guys who know plenny about dat, dey say how you ansa dat goin tell whether you one negative tinka o one positive tinka. Erybody get pilikia, some get moa plenny den oddas tho. So how come den, da guys wit da mayjah kine problems dey can still charge um, an den odda guys wit ony manini kine problems, dey give up?

Try picha dis, you stay lookin fo one job. Den you go ova dea an dey shut you down. How you feel afta dat? You start fo tink: ‘Eh sometin wrong wit me, nobody eva goin hire me!’? O you might tink even moa worse den dat cuz you neva get da job. You tink: ‘Ah good fo nottin! I one loser!’ Dat kine tinkin, dass one downa.

How Fo Fight Negative Tinkin

So how you can fight um den? Da firs ting iz you gotta spock um out wen you start fo tink lidat. Den da nex step, you gotta fight dose thoughts. Try tink maybe get odda reasons why you neva get da job. So you tink dass really true? You neva get da job cuz sometin wrong wit you? O you eva thought maybe da boss he wuz jus lookin fo sometin else?

Fo see if yoa negative thoughts iz fo real try match um up wit wat you know iz true. Cuz you wen get shut down one time, dat mean you good fo nottin? Wat about da odda stuff dat you stay doin good at? Like stayin tight wit God, tight wit da ohana, da guys dat stay close to you? Learn fo not tink dat erytin you do goin be one disasta, cuz how you know you neva goin find one odda job? We go try check out sometin else dat goin help us hemo negative kine tinkin.

Tink Positive, Set Goals

Researcher guys say dat hope, all dat iz, iz tinkin you goin reach yoa goals. Bumbye we goin talk about how hope iz way moa den dat. But fo now we goin talk about wat da researcher guys say we can do fo be moa positive.

Fo help yoaself out try set da kine smalla goals, da kine you can reach an dat goin help you out fo wen you set da bigga kine goals; goin make you tink you can do um. If you had neva meet any of yoa goals befo, maybe gotta tink about da goals you stay makin. Firs try tink, you even get goals? Sometimes can get so busy dat we no stop fo tink ‘Eh, wat I like do wit my life? Wat stay important to me?’ Da Bible can help us out wit dis. It tell: “Den dey can pick da bestes kine stuff an tell laytas to da junk kine stuff.”—Fo Da Philippi Peopo 1:10.

Once we figga out wats da mos importan stuff fo us, den ony easy fo figga out da goals wen come to God, da ohana, an da res of oua life. But we gotta make shua dat we no make too many goals, an make um too hard, bumbye we no can reach um. An dat goin make us feel like ‘Ah, kill fight!’ an den we goin give up. So dass why moa betta if you get big kine goals, break um down an make um moa small so you can reach um.

If you really like do sometin, you goin do um. Wen you get goals, go all out fo do um an stick wit um. Wen you tink about all da good dat goin come from reachin yoa goals, goin help you stick wit um. Garanz no goin be easy an goin get stuff come up an get in da way but no get all bum out an give up.

Still yet wen come to goals, gotta make one plan fo reach um. Author C.R Snyder, who wen study plenny about hope, wen say: ‘Gotta have moa den one way fo reach yoa goals cuz wen one way no work out, you can try one odda way fo reach um.’

Snyder wen tell: ‘Sometimes you gotta hemo one goal an make one odda one instead. If we get flat tire wen come to one goal, if we ony worry about um plenny, goin bum us out. But if we switch um up wit sometin we can do, ony goin give us moa hope.’

Da Bible get one good exampo of dis. King David had da unreal goal fo build da temple fo Jehovah an he really wanted fo do um but God told him: ‘A’ole! Yoa boy Solomon, he goin do um instead.’ But David he neva get all habut, all huhu an try fo do um anyway. Instead he wen jus switch up his goal. He wen go all out fo get all da stuff ready fo his boy so dat he could build um.—1 Kings 8:17-19; 1 Records 29:3-7.

But even tho we know how fo fight agains bein one downa, we get positive kine tinkin, we even get goals, still yet maybe we no moa hope. How come? Cuz da pilikia dat take away peopo’s hope, we no can fix um. Wen we tink about wat get in da world aroun us, peopo no moa enuff kala, get war, stuff not fair, peopo get sick, dey mahke, how can get hope wen lidat?


If you wanted one job an dey wen shut you down, wat you tink? You neva goin get one odda job?


King David wen show he could change tings up wen come to wat he wanted fo do