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Wea Can Find Fo Real Kine Hope?

Wea Can Find Fo Real Kine Hope?

Wea Can Find Fo Real Kine Hope?

Try picha dis. You look yoa watch an da ting look like stay broken. You like fix um but get plenny diffren kine choices. Choke peopo make promise dat dey can fix um. Den you find out da akamai guy dat live nex door to you, he da guy who wen make um an he say he like fix um fo you fo free. Ony easy fo choose wat you goin do, ah?

Dis show wat you can do fo find hope. If you feel like you no moa hope, wea you goin go fo kokua? Plenny peopo say dey can kokua you wit yoa problems but hard fo figga out which one iz right. Ony make sense ah, dat we go to da guy who wen make us, da One dat can give us fo real kine hope? Da Bible tell at Jesus Guys Wat Dey Wen Do 17:27: “He no stay far away from all us guys.” An 1 From Peter 5:7 tell dat God, he like “take kea all da stuff dat bodda you guys cuz he get one big heart fo you guys.”

Wat Hope Really Mean

Da Bible explain hope moa betta den da doctors an all da akamai guys we wuz talkin about earlier. In da Bible hope iz one combo of two tings. One iz you really like sometin fo happen, an two iz you get one reason fo da ting happen. Da hope in da Bible iz not one fairy tale, iz fo real! Get plenny proof. We no get hope jus cuz.

Da ting iz like faith, gotta have proof behind um. (Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 11:1) But still yet, da Bible tell get one difference between faith an hope.—1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 13:13.

Try picha dis: You wen aks yoa fren fo help you out an you hope he goin. You get faith in him cuz you know him good. He wen help plenny guys out in da past. Yoa faith an yoa hope stay tied up togedda but still yet dey diffren. So how you can get dis kine solid hope in God?

Wea Fo Real Hope Come From

Fo real hope come from God. Bible times, Jeremiah 14:8 in da New World Translation, call Jehovah “the hope of Israel.” Jehovah wuz dea hope. Any hope da Israel peopo had, had come from him. Dea hope wuzzin jus cuz. Wuz real an dey could trus him cuz da whole time dey wuz his peopo all da stuff he said he wuz goin do, he wen do um. Dea leada guy Joshua wen tell: “All da good tings Da One In Charge wen promise fo give you guys, happen awready. You get um all, he neva even broke one promise!”—Joshua 23:14.

Even today we can trus wat God wen tell. Da Bible get choke promises in dea dat awready wen come true. Cuz wat Jehovah wen tell wuz so garanz, da Bible writahs wen write um like da ting wen awready happen.

Dass how come we can call da Bible one book of hope. Wen you spock out wat stay in da Bible, yoa trus in God ony goin come moa strong. An den wen dat happen, yoa hope goin come solid. Da aposal Paul wen write: “Eryting dat peopo wen write inside da Bible befo time, all dat stay inside da Bible fo teach us guys fo come mo strong fo hang in dea. Dass da good kine words we get from da Bible. Fo shua we goin know dat bumbye God goin do plenny good tings fo us.”—Fo Da Rome Peopo 15:4.

Wat Kine Hope God Give Us?

Wen you tink we need hope da mos? Garanz wen somebody mahke, no? Wen dat happen, feel like no moa hope. No moa nottin dass moa hopeless den dat cuz we all goin mahke an we no can bring anybody back. Dass why da Bible call death “the last enemy.”​—1 Corinthians 15:26, NW.

So get hope o wat fo guys who wen mahke? Da Bible tell dat God goin wipe out death an from dat time nobody goin mahke. Jehovah God he moa strong den death. But how we know dat? Get proof. Da Bible tell nine times dat God wen use his mana fo bring back da guys dat wen mahke.

One unreal time wuz wen Jehovah wen give his boy da mana fo resurrect his fren, Lazarus, who wuz dead fo four days awready. He wen do um in front erybody.​—John 11:38-48, 53; 12:9, 10.

You might be tinkin, ‘How come he wen bring dese guys back to life even tho dey wuz goin grow old an mahke anyway?’ All dis in da Bible help us fo see dat all da guys we love dat we like see come back, get proof now dat dey can come back. So dat show we get fo real kine hope.

Jesus tell: “I da Guy dat make peopo come back alive an stay live fo real kine.” (John 11:25) He da One Jehovah goin give da mana fo bring guys back to life all ova da eart. Jesus wen tell da time goin come “wen all da mahke guys goin hear my voice. An dey goin come outa dea graves.” (John 5:28, 29) So get chance fo all da mahke guys fo come back alive.

Isaiah wen say dis real nice: “Yoa mahke guys goin come alive one mo time! All new, jalike da watta dat come on top da grass wen da light come, morning time, an jalike da earth wen make um come up.”—Isaiah 26:19.

Make us feel good, no? No moa one safer place fo be den inside God’s memory cuz he no goin foget dem. (Luke 20:37, 38) Pretty soon dey goin come back alive into one world wea erybody ova dea no can wait fo see dem, jalike one big ohana. So even wen we mahke, get hope.

How Hope Can Kokua You

Paul wen teach us how importan hope stay. He wen tell dat hope wuz like one helmet fo one army guy’s head. (1 Fo Da Tessalonika Peopo 5:8) Wat he wuz talkin about? Bible times da army guy wen wear one metal helmet fo go battle. Cuz of da helmet, mos of da blows to da head would bounce off instead of killin him. Wat he wuz tryin fo say? Da way da helmet proteck da head, hope proteck da mind. If you get solid kine hope in wat God tell, even if you get mayjah kine problems, you no goin panic an you no goin presha out. Erybody need dis.

Paul wen use one odda picha fo show how importan hope stay. He wen write: “Wen we trus God dat make us stay strong an solid inside, jalike wen da boat anchor come stuck on da reef.” (Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 6:19) Paul he knew how importan da anchor wuz cuz moa den one time he wuz inside one boat an da ting wen get all buss up. Wen had one storm, da guys on da boat would drop da anchor. Wen da anchor would come stuck on da reef, would hold da boat so da ting no move an den no would go crash into da rocks.

Jalike da anchor, wat God tell goin help us fo hang in dea wen we get hard times. War, crime, sadness, even death, Jehovah promise pretty soon not goin have da stuff we see today. (See da box stay on page 10.) Hangin on to dat hope jalike how da opihi hang on to da rock, goin help us fo come strong so we can lissen to God an we no goin be like all da odda guys aroun us in da world.

Jehovah like you fo have dat hope. He like fo you have one happy life. “He like take all da peopo outa da bad kine stuff dey stay do.” How? Firs, dey gotta come “fo know da true stuff”. (1 Fo Timoty 2:4) We like you learn da true kine stuff in da Bible dat goin save yoa life.

Da hope dat God goin give you iz way moa betta den any odda kine hope. Wit dis kine hope, you neva gotta feel like you no can do anytin cuz God can give you da mana fo reach any kine goals you get dat stay tied up wit wat he like. (2 Fo Da Corint Peopo 4:7; Fo Da Philippi Peopo 4:13) Dass da kine hope all us guys need. If you need hope, an you been searchin fo um, no worry. Can find um!


Why We Get Hope?

Dese Scripchas goin make yoa hope moa strong:

◼ God promise one happy future.

Da Bible tell dat da eart goin come one paradise wit happy peopo like one big ohana.​—Songs Fo God 37:11, 29; Isaiah 25:8; Wat Jesus Show John 21:3, 4.

God no can lie.

He hate all bulais. Jehovah he good an spesho so he no can bulai.​—Wat Da Smart Guys Tell 6:16-19; Isaiah 6:2, 3; Fo Titus 1:2; Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 6:18.

God’s mana no moa end.

Ony Jehovah get all da powa. Nottin can stop him from doin wat he tell.​—Outa Egypt 15:11; Isaiah 40:25, 26.

God like you live foeva.

​—John 3:16; 1 Fo Timoty 2:3, 4.

God hope we goin lissen.

He no focus on all da bad stuff we do, he focus on da good an how hard we try. (Songs Fo God 103:12-14; 130:3; Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 6:10) He hope dat we goin do wat iz right an he stay stoked wen we do um.​—Wat Da Smart Guys Tell 27:11.

God promise fo kokua you fo do wat make him happy.

His guys neva need fo feel like dey no can do anytin. God no hold back from givin us his spesho spirit. No mo anytin moa strong den dat.​—Philippians 4:13, NW.

Wen you hope in God, he neva goin let you down.

Can be shua he always goin be dea fo us.​—Songs Fo God 25:3.


Jalike one helmet proteck da head, hope proteck da mind


Strong hope can make you solid like one ancha

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Courtesy René Seindal/Su concessione del Museo Archeologico Regionale A. Salinas di Palermo