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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Fathers I just finished reading the series “What Makes a Good Father?” (August 22, 2004) I am adjusting my work to have more time for family and congregation responsibilities. Considering my economic situation, at times I have felt that I should be earning more money by doing more secular work. But this series convinced me that time spent with my family is more important than money. I was encouraged by the experiences of successful fathers.

K. S., Japan

My sister and I really appreciated this series. We have very little communication with our father. Naturally, we love him, and even though he does not say so, we believe that he feels the same way. Reading these articles made us feel that someone understands us. A heartfelt thanks!

V. D., Italy

Fame The article “Something Better Than Fame” (August 22, 2004) was an answer to my prayers. It convinced me that I made a wise decision to return to the full-time evangelizing work. At first, as the article showed, Charles faced his father’s lack of understanding. But how much he was blessed later! I hope my mother will come to agree with my decision to expand my service to Jehovah. Thank you for introducing us to Jehovah’s faithful servants through such articles.

Y. P., Ukraine

As a young person, I sometimes find myself distracted by the world and what it seems to offer. In fact, the secular career I chose could lead to fame. After reading this article, I realize that serving Jehovah was not my true motive for my choice of careers. Brother Charles Sinutko’s story touched me because he had firsthand experience with what fame is, and yet he chose to serve Jehovah. This article showed me that there is nothing better in this world than serving Jehovah full-time.

R. K., Canada

I was impressed by the fact that Brother Sinutko turned down a lucrative singing career to serve Jehovah full-time. I am enjoying pioneer service with my husband. We want to follow Brother Sinutko’s example by putting faith in Jehovah and keeping God’s Kingdom first in our lives. Thank you for printing this upbuilding experience!

E. S., Japan

Premarital Sex I would like to thank you for the article “Young People Ask . . . How Can I Avoid Premarital Sex?” (August 22, 2004) As a teacher and counselor, I found this article very interesting. At a class meeting, I highlighted useful points to help the students to be viewed by Jehovah God as holy and deserving and to make good progress in their studies without having to face the problems that can come with having sex before marriage. Many students showed interest and wanted to learn more about the Bible! Some teachers have now been asking me to talk to students in their classes. Every week, I meet with my class of students to discuss various topics from the Young People Ask book.

B. C., Mozambique

I am 25 years old and have done my best to remain a virgin. I am now more determined than ever to enter into an honorable marriage. Keep up your wonderful work.

F. K., Uganda