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How Would You Answer?

How Would You Answer?

How Would You Answer?

What Is Wrong With This Picture?

Read Joshua 2:15-18; 6:15-21; 7:1, 20, 21. Now look at the picture. What features are incorrect? Write your answers on the lines below.

1. ․․․․․

2. ․․․․․

3. ․․․․․

4. ․․․․․


How important is not taking what belongs to someone else?

From This Issue

Answer these questions, and provide the missing Bible verse(s).

PAGE 5 What was Daniel known for? Daniel 6:․․․

PAGE 6 What should you make known to all men? Philippians 4:․․․

PAGE 28 What should marriage be before all? Hebrews 13:․․․

PAGE 28 Desire, when it becomes fertile, gives birth to what? James 1:․․․

Children’s Picture Search

Can you find these pictures in this issue? In your own words, describe what is happening in each picture.

What Do You Know About the Prophets?

Read 2 Chronicles 18:1–19:3. Then answer the following questions.

5. ․․․․․

What was the name of the prophet that King Ahab hated?

6. ․․․․․

Why did Ahab hate that prophet?

7. ․․․․․

What did the prophet tell Ahab, and how did Ahab respond?


When might you need to imitate the courage of this prophet?

▪ Answers on page 14


1. The walls of Jericho fell down flat before the Israelites charged.

2. The cord that Rahab lowered was scarlet, not blue.

3. Achan stole a garment, a gold bar, and silver shekels, not an idol.

4. The attack did not take place at night.

5. Micaiah.

6. He announced Jehovah’s judgments against Ahab.

7. That Ahab would fall in battle. Ahab had Micaiah thrown into the house of detention.