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How Would You Answer?

How Would You Answer?

How Would You Answer?

Where Did It Happen?

1. In which city did this event take place?

CLUE: Read Acts 2:1-13.

Circle your answer on the map.




▪ Where did most of the disciples come from?


▪ Why did some people mock the disciples?



What are the similarities and the differences between this incident and the one recorded at Genesis 11:1-9?

From This Issue

Answer these questions, and provide the missing Bible verse(s).

PAGE 4 What can swallow up a person? 2 Corinthians 2:․․․

PAGE 6 What will the peace of God do? Philippians 4:․․․

PAGE 28 Some have a zeal for God but lack what? Romans 10:․․․

PAGE 29 Whom should we obey? Acts 5:․․․

Children’s Picture Search

Can you find these pictures in this issue? In your own words, describe what is happening in each picture.

What Do You Know About Judge Othniel?

Read Judges 3:7-11. Now answer the following questions.

2. ․․․․․

He was from which tribe?

CLUE: Read Joshua 15:17, 20.

3. ․․․․․

He delivered Israel from which ruler?

4. ․․․․․

True or false? He lived before Moses.


What good example did Othniel’s uncle Caleb set?

CLUE: Read Numbers 14:6-9. Name a relative of yours that you admire, and explain why you are impressed by that person.

▪ Answers on page 11


1. Jerusalem.​—Acts 2:5.

▪ Galilee.​—Acts 2:7.

▪ They thought they were drunk.​—Acts 2:13.

2. Judah.​—Joshua 15:17, 20.

3. Cushan–rishathaim.​—Judges 3:8.

4. False.