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Watching the World

Watching the World

Watching the World

“The Christian God is not dead in American life, but he is less of a force in our politics and culture than at any other time in recent memory.”​—NEWSWEEK, U.S.A.

“The recession and economic turmoil is creating a new class of casualties: Married couples who can’t afford to get divorced. In these tough times many people are finding it’s cheaper to stay together, even when they can’t stand each other.”​—THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, U.S.A.

One mother out of every 3 polled in Germany learns from her daughter​—regarding fashion, friendships, being more easygoing, or having greater self-esteem.​—BERLINER MORGENPOST, GERMANY.

Antibodies Still Roaming

“Nine decades after history’s most lethal flu faded away, survivors’ bloodstreams still carry highly potent protection against the 1918 virus, demonstrating the remarkable durability of the human immune system,” states the International Herald Tribune. On examining blood from elderly Spanish-flu survivors, scientists found “antibodies that still roam the body looking to strangle the old flu strain.” With these antibodies, researchers made a vaccine capable of curing mice that had been injected with the killer flu. The immune system’s memory amazed researchers. “The Lord has blessed us with antibodies our whole lifetime!” one researcher exclaimed. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

Questions for God

“Why is there suffering if you are good?” This was one of the first questions that Swedish college students would ask God if they had the chance to do so, says the Swedish daily Dagen. A survey found that other common queries were: “What is the purpose of life?” and “What will happen after death?” Sweden is known as a highly secularized country. Even so, “these questions are alive,” said a representative of the Christian student organization that conducted the survey. “Young people ponder over questions of this kind.”

Physical Disability Enhances Marital Happiness

“Both men and women​—regardless of age—​reported being happier in their marriage after they themselves became physically disabled,” say researchers. Loss of ability to perform everyday activities can be stressful, but it can also unite spouses. Older men in particular report having more quality time with their mates. “Taking on care roles and responsibilities that may be new or more focused than in previous times in their marriage provided the men an opportunity to support and spend more time with their wives and ultimately enhanced their appreciation of their relationship,” says Karen Roberto, director of the Center for Gerontology at Virginia Tech, U.S.A.