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You Are “Wonderfully Made”!

You Are “Wonderfully Made”!

You Are “Wonderfully Made”!

WHEN you reflect on the remarkable abilities of various animals, do you sometimes feel a twinge of envy? Perhaps you wish that you could soar like an albatross, swim like a dolphin, see like an eagle, or run like a cheetah.

Yes, animals have some amazing abilities. But so do we! Indeed, the human body has been described as the perfect machine. Of course, we are much more than a machine. We have creativity, curiosity, imagination, and ingenuity​—qualities that move us to devise machines that enable us to do virtually anything we set our minds to. We can fly, even beyond the speed of sound; navigate above or below the surface of vast oceans; gaze some 14 billion light-years into space; peer into the living cell; and design medicines, therapies, and technologies that help us diagnose and treat diseases.

Even with little or no external assistance, healthy, well-trained humans are capable of doing astonishing things. At the Olympic Games, for example, gymnasts, high divers, ice-skaters, skiers, and others perform amazing feats with a level of agility, artistry, creativity, and grace that leave audiences enthralled.

Do you appreciate the special gifts that you have as a human? Granted, you may not be an Olympic athlete, but you have many gifts for which to be thankful. An ancient Bible writer expressed his appreciation to God in song: “I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made.” * (Psalm 139:14) Why not think about that statement as you consider the articles that follow? They will examine in more detail some of the wonders of the human body, as well as other far more important traits that make us truly unique.


^ par. 5 Readers interested in the question of creation versus evolution might like to read the brochures Was Life Created? and The Origin of Life​—Five Questions Worth Asking. These brochures may be obtained from Jehovah’s Witnesses locally or from the publishers of this magazine.

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Our upright stance is very energy efficient, for it demands little muscle action to sustain the vertical alignment of our body. In fact, we ‘use only 7% more energy standing than when lying down,’ says neuroscience researcher John R. Skoyles. He adds that a dog uses about 70 percent more energy when standing (on all fours) than when lying down.