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Wei for stretem pikinini hem olsem rudder wea steerim boat and helpem hem for go stret


6: Stretem Pikinini

6: Stretem Pikinini


For stretem pikinini savve minim for trainim and teachim hem. Samfala taem diswan minim for disciplinem pikinini taem hem duim samting wea no stret. Bat staka taem hem for helpem pikinini savve long samting wea stret and no stret mekem hem no duim rong samting.


Staka parents distaem no duim samting for stretem pikinini bilong olketa, bikos olketa wari nogud datwan bae mekem pikinini for ting daonem hemseleva. Bat parents wea wise bae putim olketa rul and trainim pikinini bilong olketa for followim olketa rul hia.

“Iumi mas talem stret long olketa pikinini wanem olketa savve duim and no duim for helpem olketa for garem gudfala wei taem olketa big. Sapos iumi no stretem pikinini, olketa bae olsem boat wea no garem rudder, wea bae mekem hem go difren or kapsaet.”—Pamela.


Duim wanem iu talem. Taem iu putim rul and pikinini no followim, hem shud kasem panis for datwan. Bat praisem pikinini sapos hem duim wanem iu laekem.

“Mi praisem olketa pikinini bilong mi taem olketa obeyim mi, bikos long world distaem wei for disobey hem big tumas. Wei for praisem pikinini savve mekem hem isi for acceptim discipline taem iu stretem hem.”—Christine.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “Eni samting wea [man] plantim, datwan nao bae hem harvestim.”—Galatia 6:7.

No ova tumas. Taem iu stretem pikinini, wanem iu duim shud fitim age and savve bilong hem, and rong samting wea hem duim. Panis wea iu givim long pikinini shud fitim rong samting wea hem duim. Olsem example, sapos hem no obeyim iu long hao hem shud iusim phone, then maet iu stopem hem for no iusim phone for lelebet taem. Bat sapos hem smol samting nomoa, no tek serious tumas long datwan nomata maet iu kros.

“Firstaem mi trae for tingim, waswe, hem min for no obey or diswan hem mistek nomoa. Sapos pikinini start for garem nogud wei, iumi need for stretem hem. Bat datwan hem difren from wanfala mistek wea iu savve storyim witim hem and bae hem no duim moa.”—Wendell.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “No mekem olketa pikinini bilong iufala for kros, nogud nao olketa wikdaon.”—Colossae 3:21.

Showimaot love. Sapos olketa pikinini luksavve iu stretem olketa from iu lovem olketa, bae hem isi for olketa acceptim and followim wanem iu talem.

“Taem boy bilong mitufala duim samting wea hem shud no duim, mitufala talem hem mifala hapi long olketa nara gud samting hem duim finis. Mifala talem hem datfala mistek bae no spoelem hao pipol ting long hem sapos hem changem wei bilong hem, and mifala talem hem tu mifala bae helpem hem for duim stret samting.”—Daniel.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “Man wea garem love hem patient and kaen.”—1 Corinth 13:4.