Wisdom for Life and Happiness

Wisdom for Life and Happiness

“Although I feel sad when I see the badness in the world​—wars, poverty, disease, and the mistreatment of children—​I am no longer without hope.”​—RANI. *

Rani found real happiness when she learned about the Source of true wisdom​—our Creator, the almighty God. As you read the following articles, see how his teachings can help you to . . .

  • enjoy family happiness

  • have peaceful relationships with others

  • find contentment

  • understand the root causes of suffering and death

  • have a sure hope for the future

  • get to know our Creator and draw close to him

You will also see that our Creator’s wisdom is not just for a select few but is freely available to all who seek it.

^ par. 2 Names in this magazine have been changed.