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1 | Protect Your Health

1 | Protect Your Health


A crisis or a disaster can negatively affect people’s health either directly or indirectly.

  • Adversities leave people feeling stressed, and prolonged stress can make them more susceptible to illness.

  • Crises can strain health-care systems and limit the availability of medical resources.

  • Calamities affect people’s finances, hindering their ability to pay for essentials such as nutritious food or health care.

What You Should Know

  • Serious illness and mental stress can affect your judgment, which can cause you to neglect healthy habits. As a result, you may become even sicker.

  • Left untreated, health problems can worsen and even threaten your life.

  • The healthier you are, the better prepared you will be to make good decisions in the midst of turmoil.

  • Regardless of your economic situation, you can take steps to protect your health.

What You Can Do Now

Whenever possible, a wise person considers potential dangers and takes preventive measures to avoid them. This may be applied to health. Often you can minimize the risk of disease or its severity by practicing good hygiene. Prevention is better than cure.

“By keeping ourselves and our living space clean, we definitely save on expenses related to doctor visits and medication.”​—Andreas. a

a Some names in this magazine have been changed.