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Taim God i Wokim Ol Samting Inap Long Taim Bilong Bikpela Tait

Taim God i Wokim Ol Samting Inap Long Taim Bilong Bikpela Tait

Ol samting bilong ples antap, olsem san, mun, na ol sta, na ol samting i stap long graun, ol i bin kamap olsem wanem? Baibel i kamapim bekim i stret olsem God i bin wokim ol dispela samting. Olsem na pastaim dispela buk i stori long taim God i bin wokim ol samting.

Namba wan samting God i bin wokim em ol ensel. Ol i spirit kain olsem God yet. Tasol graun em i wokim bilong ol man olsem yumi. Olsem na God i wokim man na meri, em Adam na Iv, na em i putim tupela long wanpela gutpela gaden. Tasol tupela i sakim tok bilong God na ol i no inap i stap oltaim.

Kirap long taim God i bin wokim Adam na i kam inap long taim bilong Bikpela Tait em 1,656 yia. Insait long dispela haptaim planti man nogut i bin i stap. Long heven, i gat ol spirit yumi no inap lukim, em Satan na ol ensel nogut bilong em. Long graun, Kein na planti arapela man nogut i stap, na i gat sampela man i gat narapela kain strong. Tasol i gat sampela gutpela man tu i stap long graun​—Abel, Enok na Noa. Long Hap WAN bai yumi ritim stori bilong olgeta dispela lain na ol samting i bin kamap.




God i Kirap Wokim Ol Samting

The Genesis story of creation is understandable and fascinating—even to young children.


Wanpela Naispela Gaden

According to Genesis, God made the garden of Eden a very special place. God wants the whole earth to be just like that beautiful garden.


Namba Wan Man na Meri

God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the garden of Eden. They became the first married couple.


Bilong Wanem God i Rausim Tupela?

The Bible book of Genesis tells us how the original paradise was lost.


Hevi i Painim Ol

Outside the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve faced many problems. If only they had obeyed God, life would have been happy for them and their children.


Gutpela Pikinini na Pikinini Nogut

The story of Cain and Abel, as recorded in Genesis, teaches us about the kind of people we should be—and what attitudes to change before it’s too late.


Man i Gat Strongpela Bel

The example of Enoch shows that you can do what is right, even if people all around you do what is bad.


Ol Traipela Man Long Graun

Genesis chapter 6 tells about giants who hurt people. Those giants, called Nephilim, were children of the fallen angels who left heaven and lived as humans.


Noa i Wokim Sip

Noah and his family survived the Flood because they obeyed God even though others would not listen.


Bikpela Tait

People laughed at Noah’s warning message. But they were not laughing when the flood waters fell from heaven! Learn how Noah’s ark saved Noah, his family, and many animals.